HHJ Emma Nott

HHJ Emma Nott

HHJ Nott is a circuit judge at Oxford Crown Court, Reading Family Court, and the Court of Protection, and a Justice of the BIOT Court of Appeal. She is a Judicial College Criminal Course Director and a Bencher at Gray’s Inn where she trains pupils and students. Away from the law, she is a Director of the charity Hope for Hypothalamic Hamartomas through which she advocates for those affected by epilepsy.

Articles by this author


Gender and fair access to work 2025

HHJ Emma Nott looks again at work allocation and receipts at the publicly funded Bar to see if any of the measures put in place since she started reporting seven years ago, are working

10 March 2025

Lessons learnt: If you want positive change, act positively

Having built her criminal practice through playing the game with an unequal hand, HHJ Emma Nott wants better for the next generation. She shares her lessons learnt

13 December 2023

Consent and belief in consent

Has Parliament crossed the Rubicon with s 75A of the Serious Crime Act 2015? HHJ Emma Nott and John Simmons examine this statutory precedent that has largely gone unremarked and its wider implications

13 November 2023

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (4)

HHJ Nott continues her ground-breaking series with an analysis of 2019/20 publicly funded criminal/civil instructions and newly released profession-wide data, as the Bar is called upon to ‘confront, not hide’ the shocking discrepancies in pay and access to work between male and female barristers

04 January 2021

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (3)

Without equal access to the best work, it is more difficult for women to gain experience, skill and confidence to apply for silk and the judiciary. With gender-diverse lists ahead, this systemic problem affects everyone

24 November 2019

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (2)

Part 2 of HHJ Emma Nott’s analysis turns to the top 500 criminal legal aid fee earners. How do the earnings of female advocates compare to their male counterparts?

23 April 2018

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (1)

Are female juniors being given fair access to the most serious, complex (and lucrative) cases? A Supreme Court same-sex litigation team study and published data suggest not, finds HHJ Emma Nott

20 March 2018
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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