Nigel Pascoe KC

Nigel Pascoe KC

Nigel is a former leader of the Western Circuit, practises crime from Pump Court Chambers, and is a Master of Drama in the Inner Temple. He is on the editorial board of Counsel.

Articles by this author

Play (your cards) wright

Advocates, it is good to do your own thing if you can find the time. One barrister’s hobbies and other diversions

22 August 2019
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All Bar None: Annual Bar & Young Bar Conference 2018

Access, development and diversification

13 December 2018

Theatre review: The Trial of Richard III

Novello Theatre, London, 29 April 2018
Shakespeare Schools Foundation

01 June 2018

Mr Justice McCardie (1869-1933) – Rebel, Reformer, and Rogue Judge

Antony Lentin

Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2016)

Hardback 205pp 978-1-4438-9780-8

27 June 2017

Surefooted ambassador

Bar Chairman Andrew Langdon QC is a clear-sighted Western Circuiteer determined to defend the profession, nourish the junior Bar, cautious on court reform, but optimistic for the future, finds Nigel Pascoe QC

He stands tall, our new Chairman. 

20 December 2016

Theatre review: Send for Paul Temple

Nigel Pascoe QC reviews the star-studded world premiere of a Paul Temple thriller, staged as a retro radio play for the recent Kalisher fundraising event

Michael Kalisher QC was an outstanding advocate and a generous, fair and delightful opponent. 

01 February 2016
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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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