Orlagh Kelly

Orlagh Kelly

Orlagh Kelly, Barrister & CEO of Briefed, is a highly experienced barrister, accomplished legal technologist and internationally renowned authority on data protection. It is that unique blend of legal expertise and entrepreneurial spirit which inspired her to found Briefed in 2012.

Articles by this author


Barristers and ChatGPT in the legal landscape

Orlagh Kelly delves into the implications of ChatGPT, sharing insights from a recent webinar that brought to light a crucial concern for the junior Bar

01 September 2023

Keeping up with the times?

With a new generation of barristers seeking out more ways to enhance their skillset, are ‘traditional’ barristers in danger of losing out? asks Orlagh Kelly

10 July 2023

GDPR at the Bar – 5 years on

In light of its upcoming five-year anniversary, Orlagh Kelly considers the evolution, experience and future of GDPR for the Bar

08 May 2023

The anti-bullying groundswell

The momentum for change and vital ingredients in an anti-bullying chambers. By Orlagh Kelly

05 December 2022

Pupil Supervisor? Get Briefed!

Over the past decade, the barrister team at Briefed has worked with more than 80% of Chambers in England and Wales, specialising in helping chambers meet compliance and regulatory requirements – but it’s fair to say their newest offering for the Bar might be the most successful yet...

01 November 2022

How to survive a data breach

Imagine yourself in a panicked situation, with a ticking clock, trying to manage all your usual commitments whilst facing the possible destruction of your practice and career. Would you know what to do? asks Orlagh Kelly

24 June 2019
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Leaving the Bar: How I became a Tech CEO

Orlagh Kelly outlines her journey from family law barrister to global technology entrepreneur

27 April 2015
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Chair’s Column

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Moving towards spring

Efforts continue on gender equality, support for the Bar, meaningful reform for the sector and advocating for the rule of law

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