© Flickr/Shaan Hurley

Secret E-Diary

Practice makes perfect

14 February 2020

Handel’s Israel in Egypt revived by Advocati

Handel’s Israel in Egypt , revived before Christmas, in Birmingham’s Victoria Law Courts, by Advocati under the direction of John Saunders, is scarcely unbiased. A review by Roderick Dunnett 

14 February 2020 / Roderick Dunnett
© iStock/Vizerskaya

READ AGAIN: Diversity and inclusion: beyond the tick boxes (Counsel March 2020)

Time to rethink the Bar’s approach to diversity and inclusion? To ensure that difference makes  a difference, we must get to the root of the problem and commit to structural change – Zeenat Islam  shares her thoughts

14 February 2020 / Zeenat Islam
© iStock/Vizerskaya

OPINION Diversity and inclusion: beyond the tick boxes

Time to rethink the Bar’s approach to diversity and inclusion? To ensure that difference makes  a difference, we must get to the root of the problem and commit to structural change – Zeenat Islam  shares her thoughts

14 February 2020 / Zeenat Islam
© Mark Schiefelbein/AP/Shutterstock

Hong Kong’s demonstration culture: can it survive?

Paul Harris  looks at Hong Kong’s long tradition of peaceful and constitutionally protected street demonstrations

14 February 2020 / Paul Harris SC
© iStock/Tinnakorn Jorruang

OPINION Disclosure in criminal trials: an unjustified moral panic in rape cases?

Two years on, an assessment of R v  Allan’ s impact on reform of disclosure duties in criminal trials – and the prosecution of rape cases more broadly. By Anthony Metzer QC and Dr Charlotte Proudman 

© Marc F David

Time to act: net-zero on carbon emissions

With half a billion animals in Australia’s New South Wales thought to have been killed by the raging wildfires and more than two dozen people killed, Stephanie David  examines the UK’s contribution to stop global warming 

14 February 2020 / Stephanie David
© iStock/duncan1890

OPINION Judicial conduct: talking & listening

Huge strides have been made since advocates started talking openly about judicial conduct. Why the momentum for change must continue – and with understanding on both sides – to ensure there are lasting effects. By Mary Aspinall-Miles 

14 February 2020 / Mary Aspinall-Miles

Book review: Delivering Dispute Resolution: a Holistic Review of Models in England and Wales

By Christopher Hodges. Hart, October 2019. ISBN 9781509916900. Reviewed by Sir Ernest Ryder 

14 February 2020 / Sir Ernest Ryder
© iStock/stockcam

WhatsApp? Group support at the Bar

The flipside of independence can be isolation, particularly as barristers become more senior and spend less time physically in chambers. If you’ve ever felt alone at the Bar, a WhatsApp group could be the answer, writes Abimbola Johnson  

14 February 2020 / Abimbola Johnson
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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