Advocacy for all: Alison Pickup

The Public Law Project’s Legal Director is still very much an advocate speaking up for others – at a time when the need for its work has intensified. Alison Pickup  talks to Charlotte Pope-Williams  about not leaving the Bar, pursuit of the perfect mix and the PLP’s reach during the pandemic

22 January 2021 / Charlotte Pope-Williams

From rhetoric to right: Klentiana Mahmutaj

Why admission to ‘the club’ is not enough: a UN mandate to give practical effect to the human right to development prompts a personal reflection on diversity and inclusivity at the Bar 

By Klentiana Mahmutaj  

22 January 2021 / Klentiana Mahmutaj

Honest reflections on lockdown: Mohsin Zaidi

Doing a solitary job in a busy world is one thing, but doing a solitary job in a solitary world is quite another – Mohsin Zaidi  discusses the impact of lockdown on the mental health of the Bar and why we should all be talking about it 

22 January 2021 / Mohsin Zaidi

Fake or fact? (2) Digital docs manipulation and how to deal with it

In part 2 of this two-part series, Helen Brander  looks at the measures we can put in place to tackle fraud in disclosure, and minimise the possibility of it happening in the first place. Is it a judge's role to be on the alert for fraud? Do the proposed draft practice guidelines go far enough? 

22 January 2021 / Helen Brander

Anti-vaxxers, vaccine hesitancy and winning back trust

Is failure to confront the root cause of vaccine hesitancy driving people towards anti-vax views? Natasha Isaac  examines how pervasive conspiracy theories about coronavirus vaccines have become  

22 January 2021 / Natasha Isaac

Fake or fact? (1) Digital docs manipulation and how to spot it

In the era of deepfakes, it is far easier than you might think to alter digital documents such as PDFs. How do we spot fraudulent manipulation? What can we do about it?  

By Helen Brander  

15 January 2021 / Helen Brander

Going solo

For those contemplating the move to sole practitioner: Steven Gasztowicz QC  and Susan Jones  outline the key considerations when re-orientating your practice

15 January 2021 / Steven Gasztowicz KC / Susan Jones

The Young Criminal Bar: steps to secure our future

John McNamara  on the silvering of the profession, tumbling fees and deleterious listing practices: as the number of young barristers falls year on year, the CBA Young Bar Committee has been set up to tackle the biggest issues affecting retention

08 January 2021 / John McNamara

Meet the Bar’s first reverse mentor and mentee

The pilot scheme’s first pairing, Elisha Lindsay  and Paul Stanley QC , share their thoughts on the BSB’s reverse mentoring initiative and what they have learned from each other so far

08 January 2021

Gender at the Bar and fair access to work (4)

HHJ Nott continues her ground-breaking series with an analysis of 2019/20 publicly funded criminal/civil instructions and newly released profession-wide data, as the Bar is called upon to ‘confront, not hide’ the shocking discrepancies in pay and access to work between male and female barristers 

04 January 2021 / HHJ Emma Nott
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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