Bon Vivant


Book review: Who Owns History? Elgin’s Loot and the Case for Returning Plundered Treasure

By Geoffrey Robertson Hardback, 320 pages. Biteback Publishing (2019) ISBN 9781785905216.   

Reviewed by  David Langwallner  

13 March 2020 / David Langwallner
© Flickr/Shaan Hurley

Secret E-Diary

Practice makes perfect

14 February 2020

Book review: Delivering Dispute Resolution: a Holistic Review of Models in England and Wales

By Christopher Hodges. Hart, October 2019. ISBN 9781509916900. Reviewed by Sir Ernest Ryder 

14 February 2020 / Sir Ernest Ryder

Thomas Grant QC on Court No. 1

How a commercial and chancery silk became a criminal law historian of the most famous courtroom in Britain. David Etherington QC (DE) interviews Thomas Grant QC (TG) 

23 January 2020 / David Etherington KC
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Crime: Are We Tough Enough? Episode 1

A five-part series for the BBC presented by Chris Daw QC and Ayesha Nayyar (aired January 2020) 

Reviewed by Aadhithya Anbahan  

23 January 2020 / Aadhithya Anbahan

Secret E-Diary

Cheers for a new year

15 January 2020

Back-to-the-fray, budget bottles

After a booze-free month, some modest bottle recommendations for a frugal new-year palate
rom Professor Dominic Regan and Seán Jones QC  

Open water swimming

A space where the world stops and the beauty of the surroundings are absorbed —open water swimming and the best places to try it

18 December 2019 / Rebecca Farrell

Secret E-Diary

Lock ‘em up and throw away the key

18 December 2019
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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