Chair's Column

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New Regime, New Options

There is a real possibility that new areas of work can now flow directly into the Bar, believes Nick Green QC 

30 April 2010
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Facing up to Change

Nick Green QC reflects on the issues that surround the implementation of the Legal Services Act 2007 

The main issues on the Bar Council agenda include several matters of enduring concern: legal aid fees (and the judicial review proceedings brought against the MoJ and LSC), the government’s decision to abolish the LSC and bring it into the MoJ as an executive agency, the implications of the Jackson Review of Costs, referral fees generally, and new business structures. I have continued to travel the country to speak at length to the Bar. So far I have visited about 50 chambers and given speeches to nearly 2,000 people. A very great deal of what I find myself doing is affected by the work being undertaken to implement the Legal Services Act 2007 (“the 2007 Act”). So, a few ongoing reflections. 

31 March 2010
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A Step Too Far

Nick Green QC explains why the Bar Council is preparing to commence judicial review proceedings against the government 

Throughout January and early February I visited a number of cities in England and Wales (Cardiff, Winchester, Leeds, York, Birmingham and Manchester) and spoke to nearly 1,000 members of the Bar at the road shows. I have also visited over 30 sets of chambers and had conversations with numerous clerks and practice managers. The process is ongoing and I am planning further visits to chambers over the next few months. I am very grateful for the warm welcome that I have received. The exercise has been extraordinarily informative in enabling me to obtain a more precise and educated view of the day-to-day problems of the Bar. 

28 February 2010
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A Question of Standards

The Bar should not fear the development of enforceable standards of advocacy in all areas of practice, writes Nick Green QC 

 I have barely got my feet under the Chairman’s desk on the 7th floor of the Bar Council offices on Holborn when it is time to write my second Chairman’s Column.   

31 January 2010
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Forward Thinking

In his inaugural column Nick Green QC considers how the Bar should adapt and evolve 

As I look ahead into 2010 two main themes are likely to characterise the work of the Bar Council. These are the need to reintroduce stability in the publicly funded Bar and the need to address modernisation of the Bar. 

31 December 2009
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What Lies Ahead?

Desmond Browne QC sums up the current position and highlights the issues to be addressed in the near future 

The time is now come for my final Chairman’ s Column . In Chancery Lane people stop to ask me whether there is light at the end of the tunnel. I can only reply that with so little light, there still seems an awful lot of tunnel. 

30 November 2009
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A New Year ...

As the new Legal Year begins, Desmond Browne QC stresses the importance of access to justice for all 

31 October 2009
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An Ill Wind …

The publicly funded Bar is facing an “annus horribilis”, with yet more proposed cuts – this time to criminal defence fees, writes Desmond Browne QC 

30 September 2009
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The Time for Change?

Desmond Browne QC reports on events affecting the Bar and notes the passing of the House of Lords’ Judicial Committee 

31 August 2009
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A Considered Response

Desmond Browne QC pays tribute to the people involved in drafting the Bar’s consultation paper responses 

31 July 2009
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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