Not the usual suspect: Bernard Richmond QC

The silk who is well-known for his commitment to legal aid, to equality of opportunity for those who wish to join the Bar, and the training and mentoring of the profession, shares his own path to law 

30 May 2019 / Ubah Dirie

Marathon man

Long distance running can be very much like life at the Bar 

30 May 2019 / James Keeley

Day in the life...Shyam Popat

The ups and downs of working at the frontline of pro bono by Advocate’s Head of Casework  

30 May 2019 / Shyam Popat

No one’s fault

Fault-based divorce law has long been felt to aggravate family conflict and the significant publicity generated by Owens v Owens has forced the government to consider the issue again. A look at the proposed reforms 

Booze and the Bar

Now that the joys of dry January are gone, how are you feeling about your drinking? A barrister’s frank account 

30 May 2019 / Anon

Trauma risk

Legal professionals face potentially traumatic events every day. This year’s Wellness Forum on 21 June turns to the military, police, medical services and CPS to learn how we can better manage the risks we face at the Bar 


30 May 2019 / Rachel Spearing

5 ways to raise your profile

Feeling sluggish in the practice department? Dust off your profile and learn how to stand out from the crowd with this refresher guide. By Deborah Bryan 

30 May 2019 / Deborah Bryan

Online harm & a risky duty of care

Social media regulation, free speech and the rule of law: democratic legislatures are scrambling to regulate and the government’s white paper on online harm needs careful scrutiny 


30 May 2019 / Zoe McCallum

O’Brien v MOJ: an appreciation

Dermod O’Brien QC showed that it was more than just unfair to deny judicial part-timers pensions, it was unlawful. After 14 years against judicial head winds his arguments prevailed 

30 May 2019 / Richard Burns
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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