Good sport

Fancy yourself a star striker? Elite, enthusiast or novice: why it’s a good time to get involved in the Bar’s advancing amateur sports

26 February 2019 / Ben Handy

Secret E-Diary

Tea returns to chambers but without the sympathy 

25 February 2019
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Westminster Watch

Mutiny, chaos and white-noise politics: is anyone in control? Mark Hatcher presents a parliamentary vignette on the eve of the crushing Brexit vote 

21 January 2019
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Bar in the cloud

When is it good to put your head in the cloud? The Bar Council IT Panel provides an introductory guide to the brave new world of data storage and software access 

21 January 2019

Bar Pro Bono Award Winners 2018

Mary Dobson introduces the winners in the newly expanded Bar Pro Bono Awards

21 January 2019 / Mary Dobson

Interview: Sir Richard Heaton

Knighted in the New Year’s Honours, Permanent Secretary to the MOJ Sir Richard Heaton discusses his route to the Bar and beyond with Anthony Inglese

21 January 2019 / Anthony Inglese CB

Sitting as a legally qualified chair with the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service

Appointing for 2019, Tamarind Ashcroft explains what the role involves and how you can become one 

21 January 2019 / Tamarind Ashcroft

Going for Silk

As 108 new Queen’s Counsel are announced, Peter Purvis profiles four recent appointees with ‘atypical’ backgrounds, practice or circumstances – showing that preconceptions shouldn’t hold you back 

21 January 2019 / Peter Purvis

Non-disclosure agreements: the truth behind the headlines

Is there a place for NDAs post #MeToo? Any restriction on freedom of contract will require very careful consideration, writes Jonathan Cohen QC 

21 January 2019 / Jonathan Cohen KC

Blogging from the family courts

Legal bloggers can attend family court hearings on a similar footing to journalists thanks to a new pilot scheme. Lucy Reed reports on the practical and ethical issues raised 

21 January 2019 / Lucy Reed KC
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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