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Westminster Watch

As the new year beckons, Mark Hatcher takes a timely look back over 2017 for clues as to what might happen in the village of Westminster over the coming year  

20 December 2017 / Mark Hatcher

Being LGBT+ at the Bar

Findings from a survey of the LGBT+ Bar make for hard reading, say Steven Vaughan and Marc Mason, who outline what we know and what needs to be done

20 December 2017 / Steven Vaughan / Marc Mason

Advocate for an engaged profession

Acutely aware of the economic realities facing the profession, Andrew Walker QC, Chair of the Bar for 2018, talks to Mary Cowe about his plans to lead and develop the Bar during his term of office  

Drawn to the commercial Bar after a youthful flirtation with economics, Andrew Walker QC is a Chair who understands that to some extent you do have to look at life at the Bar through a business lens, whatever your practice area. 

20 December 2017 / Mary Cowe

Zero tolerance

There must be zero tolerance on sexual harassment at the Bar, writes Andrew Langdon QC  

Sexual harassment must not be tolerated at the Bar, or in any other walk of life. 

20 December 2017 / Andrew Langdon KC

LPP to have and have not

Anthony Philpott tests legal professional privilege principles against recent case law as in-house lawyers become closer to business operations  

In Ernest Hemmingway’s novel ‘To Have and Have Not’ the character of Harry Morgan captures the independence of the ‘man of action’ and the adversity he faces.  

20 December 2017 / Anthony Philpott

EU Withdrawal Bill and judicial review: are we ready?

Angus McCullough QC considers the role of judicial review as the EU Withdrawal Bill is enacted, and after Brexit day has dawned  

A flash-back to 1980: the first series of the TV sitcom, Yes Minister  and a discussion between a Permanent Secretary (Sir Humphrey Appleby) and his Minister (the Rt Hon Jim Hacker MP): 

20 December 2017 / Angus McCollough KC

#MeToo & due process

#MeToo has been a powerful force for good but in the court of social media, ‘I don’t know’ could be the fairest verdict of all, writes The Secret Barrister  

An old stand-up routine – I forget whose – used to poke fun at those old-style newspaper polls where members of the public were invited to phone a premium rate number and express their view on a contentious issue of the day. 

19 December 2017 / The Secret Barrister

Film review: Paddington 2: life in the hostile environment

Immigration barrister Colin Yeo reviews Paddington 2  

Warning: contains spoilers – and information about the plot too 

19 December 2017 / Colin Yeo

Book review: ‘Madam, Where Are Your Mangoes?’ An Episodic Memoir

Sir Desmond de Silva
Publisher: Quartet Books (September 2017)
ISBN-13: 978-0704374423

19 December 2017
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Secret E-Diary

What’s in a name?  

‘Actually, I take it as a compliment. Diva is a derivative of divine. That’s quite a title to carry around.’ – Calista Flockhart 

19 December 2017
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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