
Bach to the future

Time for legal aid to break free from party political discourse? Yes, argues Lucie Wibberley, in light of the recommendations of the Bach Commission for a new Right to Justice Act 

02 November 2017 / Lucie Wibberley

Flexible Operating Hours: all hope abandon

HMCTS has announced it is pausing the flexible operating hours pilots. Morwenna Macro, who petitioned against the plans, asks whether the controversial scheme should be abandoned altogether 

02 November 2017 / Morwenna Macro

Unlocking funds, restoring balance

Vital funds for free legal support agencies need urgent restocking. Clare Carter explains how the Bar can help by seeking costs for all pro bono 

02 November 2017 / Clare Carter

In the eye of the storm

With the Bar’s invaluable pro bono, workers’ union IWGB packs a punch well above its weight as a key intervenor and ambitious litigator. Peter Oldham QC talks to its general secretary Jason Moyer-Lee 

02 November 2017 / Peter Oldham KC

Pro bono: in good health?

Pro bono is good for all. Amanda Finlay shines a light on some innovative examples, from ‘social prescribing’ of legal advice to educational outreach 

02 November 2017 / Amanda Finlay CBE
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The only way is ethics

Nicholas Goodwin QC outlines the updated witness preparation guidance from the Bar Council’s Ethics Committee, which confronts head on the ethical lines to be drawn and distills lessons for all practice areas 

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Westminster Watch

Mark Hatcher reports on the parallel universe of the party conferences – is the writing off the wall for the Tories as Labour appears to steal a march on legal aid? 

02 November 2017 / Mark Hatcher

Race for justice

Peter Herbert OBE offers a personal perspective on three decades of racial inequality. The Lammy Review published in September makes shocking reading, but will it make a difference? he asks 

02 November 2017 / Peter Herbert OBE

Legacy of empire

The unequal administration of justice in Australia is hardly ancient history and goes a significant way to explaining the overrepresentation of Aboriginal Australians in custody today, writes Sheryn Omeri 

01 November 2017

Secret E-Diary

The question is who, not what, we are waiting for  

05 October 2017
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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