
Prepare for re-entry

Practitioners share their career break experiences: plan ahead, prepare for challenges and a well-supported return is possible  


25 April 2017

Youth advocacy: driving up standards

Oliver Hanmer outlines the regulator’s new measures to improve standards in youth court advocacy  

No one could argue against the notion that every child deserves the very best chance in life.  

25 April 2017 / Oliver Hanmer
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Westminster Watch

As the snap general election is announced, the Ministry of Justice turns 10 and faces similar challenges to those in the dying days of the Blair government, writes Mark Hatcher  

On 9 May the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) will celebrate its 10th anniversary.  

25 April 2017 / Mark Hatcher

Re-wiring the law

Rachel Spearing introduces the UK’s first Wellness for Law Forum  

March saw the launch of a new initiative to support ongoing work to improve health and wellbeing at the Bar.  

25 April 2017 / Rachel Spearing

The illegality principle: Patel (2)

The new principle introduced by the Supreme Court to govern civil claims (other than for restitution) affected by illegality is likely to result in fewer claims being barred, argues Nicholas Strauss QC in the second part of this two-part article  

This article examines how the Supreme Court has resolved the fundamental difference of view (apparent in several recent cases in the Supreme Court) between supporters of, respectively, the rule-based principle expressed by Lord Mansfield in Holman v Johnson  (1775) 1 Cowp 341, 343, and a more flexible rule based on an assessment of all the relevant factors in any given case and proportionality.  

25 April 2017 / Nicholas Strauss KC

Justice online

Would justice be served? Joshua Rozenberg examines the proposed online solutions court in detail  

Should barristers regard online civil justice as a threat or an opportunity?  

25 April 2017 / Joshua Rozenberg KC (hon)

Court-led path to certainty

With such legal uncertainty in the financial markets, how can the courts assist? Lord Justice Briggs explains the ‘certainty principles’ slowly gaining ground and efforts to mitigate the complex snakes and ladders  

Modern, sophisticated economies are becoming increasingly vulnerable to legal uncertainty, which can affect the financial markets in two main ways.  

25 April 2017 / Lord Justice Briggs

The Bar Council & Brexit

Information from the Brexit Working Group 

29 March 2017
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Point of trust

From Burma to Bangladesh and from China to South Sudan, Christopher Marshall and Jessica Magson describe how the British Council puts access to justice into global practice amongst shifting politics and ideologies  

The ability to access justice is often seen as a touching point of trust between individual and state.  

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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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