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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Keynote address

The keynote address was given by the Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals.   

21 November 2016 / Melissa Coutinho

BPTC futures

James Welsh makes the case for retaining the BPTC as we know it – and argues that evolution can create significant changes in a controlled, targeted and risk-free way  

If you trained for the Bar, 20 years ago, you would scarcely recognise the current vocational training.  

21 November 2016 / James Welsh

Brexit in court

Professor Michael Zander QC assesses the High Court decision and predicts the government is likely to lose its appeal to the Supreme Court  

Asked on the day for a first assessment of the decision I wrote: ‘The Divisional Court’s unanimous decision is very clear and very strong.  

21 November 2016 / Michael Zander KC

Sexual history evidence: fair game?

Ali Naseem Bajwa QC and Eva Niculiu examine the issues raised by use of the complainant’s sexual history in the Ched Evans rape retrial  

On the night of 29-30 May 2011, a professional footballer, Clayton McDonald, on a night out in Rhyl, North Wales, met a 19-year-old waitress who was heavily intoxicated. McDonald took her back to his hotel room.  

21 November 2016 / Eva Niculiu / Ali Naseem Bajwa

Review: Christmas wine

Buy excellent-value wines sharpish before the New Year/Brexit price rises, advise Counsel’s own wine critics Seán Jones QC and Professor Dominic Regan  

This is the time to buy as many bottles as you can afford!  


The ‘radical’ challenge

When does the state have the right to interfere in family life on the basis of radical views held by family members? Damian Woodward-Carlton reports on the inherent difficulties arising in the family courts  

Family lawyers and courts are currently grappling with the most fundamental of questions: when does the state have the right to interfere in family life on the basis of the views – however unpalatable – of some family members, or their interest in exploring, viewing and reading material which others might find abhorrent?  

21 November 2016 / Damian Woodward-Carlton KC
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Entrenching privilege?

The impact of the unregulated elements of barrister training  

Gemma De Cordova spoke about the opportunities available by way of the third-six route.  

21 November 2016 / Desiree Artesi
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Secret E-Diary

It all depends on point of view  

‘The Bible tells us to love our neighbours, and also to love our enemies; probably because generally they are the same people.’ – G. K. Chesterton 

21 November 2016
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Ethical advocacy in the modern adversarial system

The session began with a description of the new ethics and advocacy regime.   

21 November 2016 / Desiree Artesi

CBA champion

How to protect the profession from withering away when fees and career prospects are so limited? Rupert Jones talks to the determined Francis FitzGibbon QC about priorities for his term  

What do you want to achieve as CBA head? 

21 November 2016 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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