
The magic of mentoring

Joanne Wicks QC, Grace Ong and Lucinda Orr outline the benefits of mentoring for barristers   

30 August 2016 / Grace Ong / Joanne Wicks KC / Lucinda Orr

Blogger profile: Waiting for Godot

Counsel speaks to Jolyon Maugham QC, the tax law blogger Waiting for Godot  

Where did the inspiration come from to write the blog? 

30 August 2016 / Jolyon Maugham KC
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Secret E-Diary

Passing laws is not a substitute for taking action  

'There is far too much law for those who can afford it and far too little for those who cannot’ – Derek Bok 

30 August 2016

Koye Akoni

Barrister at Quadrant Chambers  

Quadrant Chambers is a leading set of barristers specialising in commercial law. 

30 August 2016

A CPD revolution

Stephen Honey outlines the benefits the changing face of legal CPD can bring to barristers  

According to a report published last year by research firm Outsell, the UK legal Continuing Professional Development (CPD) market is estimated to be worth £21m in 2016.  

30 August 2016 / Stephen Honey

Building relations in Cyprus

Pavlos Panayi QC outlines the highlights of the first joint conference of the Bar Council of England and Wales and the Cyprus Bar Association and emphasises the striking similarities between the two jurisdictions 

The e-mail from the Bar Council appeared in my inbox on 14 April of this year, inviting speakers to come forward to speak at the first joint conference to be held by the Bar Council of England and Wales and the Cyprus Bar Association (CBA).  

30 August 2016 / Pavlos Panayi KC

Pride of Wales

David Hughes outlines the workings and the innovative approach of the Bar in Wales  

Wales is a place of contrasts; we are a country, not a ‘region’, and those of us who practise in Cardiff do so in one of two national capitals in England and Wales.  

30 August 2016 / David Hughes

Business as usual?

Sophie Nappert analyses how international arbitration in London will fare post-Brexit  

Unless and until the UK formally leaves the EU, the Brexit vote – which has political and historical significance, but is not legally binding on government (the European Union Referendum Act 2015 is silent on the issue) – will have little impact on London’s status as a centre for international arbitration. 

30 August 2016 / Sophie Nappert

Drones: flightpath to the future?

Joseph Dalby and Ruhi Sethi examine the many legal issues that may flow from increased drone use  

Drones are rapidly being seen as a feature of the near future, because of the dramatic rise in their private use in the UK.  

30 August 2016 / Joseph Dalby / Ruhi Sethi
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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