
Starting out: part 2

In the second of this two-part finance guide for the self-employed Bar, the Young Barristers’ Committee looks at payment term  

Part 1 of this finance guide discussed payment terms, working with your clerks, and the steps you should take to ensure that your work is correctly billed (Counsel, July 2016, p 20).  

25 July 2016 / Athena Markides / Edna Hackman

The world is your oyster

You too can create a pearl of an international practice – as the world limbers up for Rio 2016, Frederico Singarajah explains how he forged links with the Brazilian jurisdiction  

As Brazil prepares to open the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Counsel  magazine has asked me to share my experience of building an international practice at the Bar.  

25 July 2016 / Frederico Singarajah

The Great Fire stopped here

As the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London is marked by a new opera, His Honour Judge Cryan relates the pivotal role played by the Inn’s first Royal Bencher in saving the Temple Church and Hall from devastation  

In the early hours of Sunday 2 September 1666, a fire broke out in Pudding Lane in the east of the City of London, near London Bridge.  

25 July 2016 / HHJ Donald Cryan
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Secret E-Diary

To stay or to go has its courtroom equivalent  

‘It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.’ – Thomas Sowell 

25 July 2016

Bar Leaders’ 5 best books

The 2017 Bar Council leadership team, Andrew Langdon QC and Andrew Walker QC, share their most influential reads  

Andrew Langdon QC, Vice Chairman of the Bar Council 

25 July 2016

Changing the effect

Litigators beware – open conduct in litigation could change the effect of a Part 36 offer, warns Alan Tunkel  

Can an offer made under Part 36 of the Civil Procedure Rules be impliedly withdrawn or impliedly changed to become less advantageous to the offeree? 

27 June 2016 / Alan Tunkel


Recent news analysis of the Panama Papers, and high-profile-personality stakes in offshore funds, have turned up the heat in the tax avoid v evade debate. Kevin Prosser QC sheds light on this greyest of areas  

Tax avoidance and tax evasion are currently subjects of enormous public interest, on which journalists and politicians have a great deal to say.  


27 June 2016 / Kevin Prosser KC

An ongoing struggle

Tahir Elçi, President of the Diyarbakir Bar Association, was fatally shot during a press conference in 2015. Rupert Wheeler and Tony Fisher honour his work and report on the struggle for human rights in Turkey  

On 22 March 2016, the Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) joined with the Law Society Human Rights Committee (LSHRC) to host an evening commemorating the life of Tahir Elçi, a prominent Turkish lawyer and human rights defender, who was fatally shot during a press conference last November in Diyarbakir, South Eastern Turkey.  

27 June 2016 / Rupert Wheeler / Tony Fisher

Robert Griffiths QC

Head of Mondial Chambers  

The chambers will specialise in domestic, commercial and international law with a core base in London, consisting of leading QCs and other senior counsel from other jurisdictions.  

27 June 2016

Blogger profile: Barristerblogger

Counsel interviews criminal barrister Matthew Scott, aka the award-winning Barristerblogger  

27 June 2016 / Matthew Scott
virtual magazine View virtual issue

Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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