Justice Matters


Restricted access: the reality

Faisel Sadiq marks International Day of People with Disabilities and UK Disability History Month with a frank assessment of the extreme disadvantage still faced by barristers with disabilities and its impact on career progression

14 December 2021 / Faisel Sadiq

PIDA 23 years on: time for reform

Pressure has been building for reform of the domestic regime relating to whistleblowing, write John Bowers QC and Jeremy Lewis

30 November 2021 / John Bowers KC / Jeremy Lewis

Déjà vu? The Criminal Bar in 2021

The court backlog, remote hearings and exodus of criminal advocates due to poor remuneration are all linked – and so must be the solutions, writes HH Nigel Lithman QC

25 November 2021 / HH Nigel Lithman KC

Ending gender-based violence: how the Bar can get involved

As the Global 16 Days Campaign launches, Celestine Greenwood explores the role the Bar can play in tackling gender-based violence – every day of the year

25 November 2021 / Celestine Greenwood

Calls for global solidarity for lawyers at risk

The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe, representing the Bars and law societies of 45 countries and more than 1 million European lawyers, has highlighted a range of individual lawyers who are currently at risk

25 November 2021

Protecting equality and human rights during a pandemic

Adam Sowerbutts explains how the EHRC is making decisions about the use of its legal powers during extraordinary times

12 November 2021 / Adam Sowerbutts

At the foothills of online court reform

Dropping hearings into Zoom is not the end game, writes Professor Richard Susskind OBE

09 November 2021 / Professor Richard Susskind OBE

25 years of Advocate

From a room in Gray’s Inn with a part-time administrator and 350 barrister volunteers, Advocate (formerly the Bar Pro Bono Unit) has grown into a 19-strong team with 4,500 volunteers and big ambitions. Rebecca Wilkie traces its past, present and future

01 November 2021 / Rebecca Wilkie

BAILII – the next ten years

Jules Winterton on BAILII’s historic – and ongoing – role in facilitating access to justice

25 October 2021 / Jules Winterton

Deception and decriminalising virus transmission

A public health or criminal issue? The law on deception remains unclear and unresolved, write Professor Felicity Gerry QC and Professor Matthew Weait FAcSS

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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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