Justice Matters


Jogee – how OSA works

Five years on, how the post-Jogee  law of accessorial liability is working in practice and the position of those ‘on the periphery’. By Professor Felicity Gerry QC, Dr Beatrice Krebs and Oliver Renton 


Vulnerable parties: two cheers for UK judges?

Welcome and profound amendments to the CPR’s Overriding Objective landed in April: but why so little fanfare or consultation with groups affected? asks John Horan 

11 May 2021 / John Horan

Women’s safety: attitudes must change

How the tragedy of Sarah Everard became every woman’s story. By Christina Warner 

11 May 2021 / Christina Warner

Legal Aid Census 2021 – stand up and be counted

The law is broken. Help us prove it, writes Rohini Teather 

26 April 2021 / Rohini Teather

'Kill the Bill'

Dissent and protest are a healthy safety valve for every democracy, write Sailesh Mehta and Caroline Baker, yet recent events have put the proposals around policing public protest under the spotlight – and many do not like what they see 

08 April 2021 / Sailesh Mehta / Caroline Baker

Welcome to Themis

Anogika Souresh and Adiba Bassam introduce Themis, an intersectional and inclusive alliance representing the rights and interest of all self-identifying women at the Bar 

01 April 2021 / Anogika Souresh / Adiba Bassam

Where now for the legal aid Bar?

Barristers gave stark evidence on the sustainability of the publicly funded Bar to the Westminster Commission on Legal Aid, reports Rohini Teather 

01 April 2021 / Rohini Teather

The mathematics of juries

Larger juries are better than smaller juries. But how many jurors does that entail, exactly? A theoretical discussion of jury decision-making and optimal jury size 

By Matthew Butt QC and Daniel Butt 

01 April 2021 / Matthew Butt KC / Daniel Butt

The return of private prosecution

As private prosecutions become more popular, particularly in cases of fraud and deceit, here's a refresher on their workings and historical roots, by Lim Yee 

01 April 2021 / Lim Yee

Keeping Welsh JRs in Wales

Welsh judicial reviews must be issued and heard in Wales: a guide to the new regime. By David Gardner 

01 April 2021 / David Gardner
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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