Justice Matters

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The adoption debate

With influential voices questioning the scale and nature of adoption in the UK, Damian Woodward-Carlton looks at the question, raised by Lord Justice McFarlane, whether the current model is the right one 

27 November 2017 / Damian Woodward-Carlton KC

Blockchain, Bitcoin and the Bar

Peter Susman QC provides a beginner’s guide to Blockchain and Bitcoin, and suggests the Bar has nothing to fear from such innovations 

27 November 2017 / Peter Susman KC

Holding the powerful to account

A day in the life of Ugandan lawyer Lora Atim, working in Gulu to protect widows and orphans from land grabbing and end impunity for violence against the poor 

24 November 2017 / Lora Atim

Bach to the future

Time for legal aid to break free from party political discourse? Yes, argues Lucie Wibberley, in light of the recommendations of the Bach Commission for a new Right to Justice Act 

02 November 2017 / Lucie Wibberley

Race for justice

Peter Herbert OBE offers a personal perspective on three decades of racial inequality. The Lammy Review published in September makes shocking reading, but will it make a difference? he asks 

02 November 2017 / Peter Herbert OBE

Better case management

Two years on, how have collective efforts to make every court hearing count evolved? Peter Hungerford-Welch summarises the procedural changes and the message from case law  


The common good

In today's fragmented society, we need to talk about shared values: a Temple project is hoping to do just that and taking up the Magna/Mini Carta community challenge. By Mark Hatcher  

05 October 2017

Extinct? The Lawyer Lord Chancellor

Joshua Rozenberg QC reflects on whether we’ve seen the last of the legally qualified Lord Chancellors  

05 October 2017 / Joshua Rozenberg KC (hon)

Restoring confidence

Judge-led inquiries are a vital tool for accountability and politicians must set an example in this age of mass-media attack, argues Khawar Qureshi QC  

Anyone who wishes to understand the background to tribunals of inquiry should read the excellent report of Lord Justice Salmon (as he then was) for the Royal Commission on Tribunals Inquiry in 1966 (Cmnd 3121).  

29 August 2017 / Khawar Qureshi KC

For the many, not the few

Access to the courts is a constitutional right and employment tribunal fees unlawful: Caspar Glyn QC relays the inspirational Supreme Court decision in UNISON v Lord Chancellor  

I told my mum at 18 that I was considering doing law.  

29 August 2017 / Caspar Glyn KC
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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