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R (on the applocation of Machnikowski) v Secretary of State for the Home Department

Immigration – Detention. The Administrative Court dismissed the claimant's application for judicial review of his immigration detention and the defendant Secretary of State's refusal of accommodation under s 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. On the evidence, the claimant could have accommodated himself, and the Secretary of State had correctly judged when the time had come for release and had not acted unlawfully in having failed to release the claimant earlier. 

DM v Secretary of State for the Home Department

Immigration – Leave to remain. Court of Session: Refusing a reclaiming motion in judicial review proceedings in which the petitioner, who was granted discretionary leave to remain in the UK for three years only challenged that decision and sought declarator that he was entitled to indefinite leave to remain, the court rejected the petitioner's central claim that he had a legitimate expectation, based on Parliamentary and other statements, that his application to remain in the UK would be decided by July 2011 as part of the 'legacy' programme and would be dealt with in accordance with the law and practice then in force. 

*Sloan v Governors of Rastrick High School

Damages – Personal injury. The claimant had been a learning support assistant whose duties had included pushing a student in her wheelchair. The claimant sustained a soft tissue injury that caused her chronic pain in her shoulder and back. Her claim for damages for personal injury from the school was dismissed, with the recorder finding that there had been no breach of reg 4 of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992, SI 1992/2793. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, held that there had been no error in the recorder's approach, reasoning or conclusion and dismissed the appeal. 

Attorney General's Reference No 16/2014

Sentence – Imprisonment. The offender was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for manslaughter arising from a single punch with a bare fist. The Attorney General brought a reference pursuant to s 36 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988. The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division held that the sentence had not been one which could be described as unduly lenient and had been one which had been within the range reasonably available to a trial judge. 

JB, petitioner

Immigration – Asylum – Victim of trafficking. Court of Session: In judicial review proceedings by a Nigerian asylum seeker who claimed to be a victim of trafficking and forced prostitution, seeking reduction of decisions to certify her asylum claim as one appropriately requiring removal to Italy and to issue removal directions, the court held that, on the basis that the transfer provisions of Council Regulation (EC) 343/2003 ('Dublin II') were engaged the Secretary of State had failed to exercise the residual discretion available under art 3(2) of Dublin II by considering the risk that the petitioner's rights under art 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights would be breached on return to Italy by exposure once again to forced prostitution. 

*Yip v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

Income tax – Additional assessment. The Upper Tribunal (Tax and Chancery Chamber) (the tribunal) dismissed the taxpayer director's appeal against six assessments issued against him pursuant to s 29 of the Taxes Management Act 1970 for the years 2003/04 to 2008/09. The tribunal decided that, contrary to the argument put forward by the taxpayer, there had been a discovery by the relevant officer for the purposes of s 29 of the Act. Accordingly, the appeal in regard to all six years was allowed to proceed to a substantive hearing. 

Uruk v HM Advocate

Solemn procedure – Time bar – Twelve-month rule. High Court of Justiciary: Refusing an appeal by an appellant whose trial in July 2013 on a charge of assault was adjourned to the October 2013 sitting because of the complainer's absence from the country, and who appealed against a sheriff's decision on the last day of that sitting to grant the Crown's motion to adjourn the trial again 'due to pressure of business', the court held that that sheriff had correctly exercised his judgment that sufficient reason had been shown for an extension of the time bar, as there was no contention that when the case was allocated in July for trial at the October sitting it was anticipated that it would not take place, and it did not take place because of a combination of factors, including the unexpected overrunning of another trial. 

HAH, petitioner

Immigration – Asylum – Fresh claim. Court of Session: Dismissing a judicial review petition by a failed Iraqi asylum seeker challenging a decision refusing to treat his further submissions as a fresh claim, the court, inter alia, rejected contentions that the decision-maker had taken an irrelevant matter into account, had failed to consider that another immigration judge might depart from country guidance, had provided no proper analysis of the new material, and had failed to apply anxious scrutiny. 


Mental health – Court of Protection. The patient executed a lasting power of attorney in favour of her son. The local authority sought to revoke the LPA. The son objected. The Court of Protection allowed the authority's application and also gave permission to appoint a panel under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. 

R (on the application of Forest Of Dean Friends Of The Earth) v Forest Of Dean District Council

Town and country planning – Permission for development. The claimant challenged the defendant local authority's grant of outline planning permission to the interested party for two sites. The Administrative Court, in dismissing the application, held that the authority could rationally conclude that the requirements of reg 61(5) of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, SI 2010/490 had been met. Further, the authority had been entitled to rely on Natural England's withdrawal of its objections, as it had correctly done so and, in any event, the authority had been entitled to presume it had been correct. 

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