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Murphy v Ministry of Defence

Damages – Personal injury. The Queen's Bench Division found that the claimant was suffering from chronic widespread pain and additional mental illness and which he would not have suffered from but for the accident he experienced whilst in the army and which caused his subsequent discharge. On that finding the court made an award of general damages of £30,000 and other additional awards. 

Airport Industrial GP Ltd and another v Heathrow Airport Ltd and another

Contract – Implied term. The Chancery Division held, among other things, that the second defendant company was obliged under the terms of a lease to provide 280 spaces at a site at Heathrow airport. An order for specific performance was granted in favour of Heathrow Airport Ltd. 

Re W; Re F (Children)

Family proceedings – Orders in family proceedings. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, in allowing the appellant's appeal against findings made in the course of care proceedings that he had sexually abused three children, held that no court could have reasonably found that he had abused any of those children on the basis of the evidence adduced before the recorder. 

Budhdeo and another v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another

Town and country planning – Permission for development. The Planning Court dismissed the claimants' challenge to the decision of the inspector appointed by the first defendant Secretary of State to dismiss their conjoined planning appeals and to refuse planning permission. The inspector had produced a clearly reasoned decision, having applied appropriate planning judgment and claimants' grounds of challenge were unarguable. 

*Re OGX Petróleo e Gás SA

Insolvency – Cross-border insolvency. The Chancery Division held that foreign representatives and their advisers had to ensure that the valuable process for recognition under the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, as incorporated into English law by the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations 2006 SI 2006/1030, was not misused. When seeking recognition, full and frank disclosure had to be made to the court in relation to the consequences that recognition of the foreign proceeding might have upon third parties who were not before the court. 

Complete Building Solutions Ltd v Brown and another

Building contract – Adjudication. The Court of Appeal, Civil Division, dismissed an appeal against refusal of an application to set aside summary judgment in respect of the respondent's claim to enforce an adjudicator's award. On the facts, the adjudicator had had jurisdiction to hear the dispute, as he had been addressing different issues to those that had been raised at a previous adjudication. 

Re C and D (care proceedings and adoption order)

Adoption – Dispensing with consent of parent or guardian. The Family Court approved proposals made by two local authorities regarding the future of the two daughters of the respondent mother and father. It held that, given the mental state of the father and the environment in which the children had been growing up, the parents would be refused contact with the older child and that an adoption order would be made in relation to the younger child. 

Suddock v Nursing And Midwifery Council

Medical practitioner – Appeal against determination of disciplinary committee. The Administrative Court partially allowed the appellant's appeal against the finding professional misconduct by the Conduct and Competence Committee (the panel) of the respondent Nursing and Midwifery Council. The panel's approach to the question of credibility and reliability was so undermined that, in fairness, its adverse findings could not be allowed to stand. 

Lewis and others v Ward Hadaway (A Firm)

Practice – Summary judgment. The Chancery Division granted the defendant firm of solicitors summary judgment in respect of claims for negligence, which had been brought by claimants who had acquired buy-to-let properties, where the manner in which they had paid court fees had been an abuse of process and where they had not done all that they reasonably could do to bring the matter before the court for its process to follow. 

Re Angel Group Ltd and others

Company – Administration order. The Chancery Division made rulings to assist the administration of a number of companies in the same group. Among other things, the court approved a proposed structure by which new administrators were appointed and made an order that the framework provided by paras 98 and 75 of Sch B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 was appropriate to deal with the removal of the administrators. 

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