Practice Toolset


Cyber insuring chambers

Increasing sophistication and frequency of attacks have led many chambers to ask ‘when’ not ‘if’ they will suffer a cyber incident. Simon Davis sets out the factors to consider when renewing your cyber cover

19 March 2024 / Simon Davis

Wellbeing at the Bar: are we there yet?

Adele Akers’ reflections on health and wellbeing support at the very junior end of the Bar 

19 March 2024 / Adele Akers

Public access: cases of interest

Chris Bryden flags two recent High Court decisions causing concern among public access barristers – what amounts to ‘conduct of litigation’ and a dispute over fee arrangements

19 March 2024 / Chris Bryden

Setting an example on sustainability

Alexia Zimbler asks chambers to reconsider the volume and sustainability of freebies they hand out at pupillage fairs 

19 March 2024 / Alexia Zimbler

IWD24: Inclusivity in practice – young women at the Commercial Chancery Bar

No longer an exclusive boys’ club, but still some way to go. To mark International Women's Day, Millie Rai describes what it’s like being a young female barrister at the Commercial Chancery Bar

08 March 2024 / Millie Rai

A week at the Bar for Afghan refugee lawyers

‘We as barristers can show our solidarity and help our colleagues’: Rhiannon Du Cann asks Laurie Scher and Edward Meuli how they found hosting two refugee Afghan colleagues and Mohammad Alef Orfani, former defence attorney and prosecutor in Afghanistan, shares what he thought of the experience 


Black women at the Bar: challenges faced and a fairer future

Bibi Badejo reports from a packed Inns of Court Women’s Alliance event examining the experiences of Black women barristers and imparting crucial advice for Black women navigating the legal profession 

19 February 2024 / Bibi Badejo

Who gets silk? 2023

Certain patterns repeat, but there is always something new to note, finds David Wurtzel, including a second year of large-scale pre-interview sifting and success for the youngsters 

19 February 2024 / David Wurtzel

Fair recruitment at the Bar

Ensuring recruitment processes are fair, and free from bias, is essential to drive diversity at the Bar. Bindi Dholakia and Rachel Krys examine the theory and practice 

19 February 2024 / Bindi Dholakia / Rachel Krys

Silver linings

It is easy to be gloomy about wellbeing, says Sam Mercer, but this article celebrates a shift in the right direction, and the 45 chambers recognised in the Bar Council’s relaunched wellbeing certificate programme 

19 February 2024 / Sam Mercer
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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