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Flexible working flipsides

How we made flexible working work for us, by Esther Gamble  

20 February 2018 / Rachel Crasnow KC / Esther Gamble

Reflections on the Silk round

Sir Alex Allan, Chair of the QC Selection Panel, offers advice to prospective applicants and four successful candidates from the previous round discuss their lessons learned with Peter Purvis  

20 February 2018 / Sir Alex Allan / Peter Purvis

Team dynamics: the barrister/solicitor relationship

Power shift? Grania Langdon-Down investigates the changing nature of legal relations as competition, scale of litigation, legal aid cuts and growth of in-house advocates affect how cases are run 

20 February 2018 / Grania Langdon-Down

Where to turn

Barristers should be able to practise in a work environment free from any oppressive behaviour, judicial or otherwise, writes Michael Hayton QC who outlines the support offered by Heads of Chambers and Circuit Leaders  

19 February 2018 / Michael Hayton KC

Raising the Young Bar profile

Junior barristers, now more than ever, face a world which looks increasingly uncertain. Rick Hoyle, Chair of the Young Barristers’ Committee, looks at the worrying trend and what is being done about it  

Whilst the Bar as a whole is now larger than ever before, at a little over 16,000 practising barristers, that trend masks much more disturbing news at the junior end. 

23 January 2018 / Rick Hoyle

An extraordinary day in the life of... Sally Penni

Sally Penni, barrister and mum of three, is trying to do things differently when out of court. Here, the Joint Vice Chair of the Association of Women Barristers and founder of Women in the Law UK shares a typical day in her life and practice  

I wake up at 6am to the Today programme on BBC Radio 4. It’s my best source of information. 

23 January 2018 / Sally Penni

Who gets Silk 2017?

Fortune favours the brave, women and younger applicants, finds David Wurtzel, who delves into the details of this year’s list to assess how changed is the face of Silk and the influence of where you practise  

On 26 February 2018, 119 new Queen’s Counsel will be sworn in by the Lord Chancellor in Westminster Hall. 

23 January 2018 / David Wurtzel

What do judges look like?

Recruitment of BAME judges is still slow, but diversity and community relations judges are working at grass roots to alter our judiciary’s future face, writes Jacqueline McLean  

Equal treatment and diversity in the law has rightly come under much scrutiny in recent years. 

23 January 2018 / Jacqueline McLean
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Get Set Go

In the first of a new Legal Practice Management Association column cultivating innovation in chambers, Stewart Thompson looks at corporate social responsibility at the Bar: going far or far to go?  

Ten years ago, if a barrister wanted to take positive action on social responsibility, it was a personal matter, just for them. 

23 January 2018 / Stewart Thompson
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The only Way is Ethics

Danny Robinson explains the complex issues raised by an absent defendant and Helena Duong reports from the Bar & Young Bar Conference on the launch of the new online ethics hub for barristers  

23 January 2018 / Helena Duong / Danny Robinson
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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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