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Conference call

Inclusive and interactive, this year’s main Bar event offers something a little bit different, as Rachel Spearing explains  

05 October 2017 / Rachel Spearing
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Payment: time for change

Duncan McCombe and Sam Roake reveal the grim reality, as a young Bar survey shows 50% of criminal juniors are working for free. Doing nothing is not an option and a solution must be found, they argue  

05 October 2017 / Sam Roake / Duncan McCombe

The hour calls for optimism

Vocal on the onslaught of flexible operating hours and the perennial issue of fees, Angela Rafferty QC is determined that a diverse and collegiate criminal Bar will flourish. The CBA Chair shares her plans with David Wurtzel 

05 October 2017 / David Wurtzel
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As poor decision-making by authorities forces more people to turn to courts or tribunals for remedy, Jess Campbell explains the difficulties faced by LiPs  

05 October 2017 / Jess Campbell

The employed spectrum (2): Gifty Edila

Counsel talks to Gifty Edila who forged an award-winning career in local government despite encountering early prejudices at the Bar  

Q What drew you to the Bar initially, and what was your experience of applying for pupillage and early years of practice? 

29 August 2017

Roger Toulson 1946 – 2017

Mark Cannon pays tribute to Lord Toulson and his great contribution to the law  

In Willers v Joyce  [2016] UKSC 43 & 44 Lord (Roger) Toulson said: ‘The common law is prized for its combination of principle and pragmatism.’  

29 August 2017 / Mark Cannon KC

Mentoring on the Western Circuit

The first Circuit-based mentoring scheme for women barristers is building confidence and camaraderie. Kate Brunner QC explains what sets it apart  

The Bar may appear to be awash with mentoring schemes, but only a small minority of barristers actually have a mentor, and it is particularly difficult on the far reaches of Circuit to access support and events based in London.  

29 August 2017 / Kate Brunner KC

Common heritage

With European links under pressure, HELP is at hand to preserve shared values grounded in respect for human rights and the rule of law. Guy Vassall-Adams QC reports  

These are testing times for race relations and the culture of respect for human rights in Europe. 

29 August 2017 / Guy Vassall-Adams KC


Upsides and flipsides: supervisors and pupils from the self-employed and employed Bar give warts-and-all accounts of their experiences of a year under very different wings  


25 July 2017

New courts mean business

Simple rebrand or first step to a modernising merger? Don’t underestimate the significance of the new Business and Property Courts, argues Ed Pepperall QC  

It all started in Birmingham.  

25 July 2017 / Ed Pepperall KC
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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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