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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Closing address

The closing keynote was given by the President of the Malaysian Bar, Steven Thiruneelakandan.   

21 November 2016 / Melissa Coutinho
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Keynote address

The keynote address was given by the Rt Hon Sir Ernest Ryder, Senior President of Tribunals.   

21 November 2016 / Melissa Coutinho

BPTC futures

James Welsh makes the case for retaining the BPTC as we know it – and argues that evolution can create significant changes in a controlled, targeted and risk-free way  

If you trained for the Bar, 20 years ago, you would scarcely recognise the current vocational training.  

21 November 2016 / James Welsh
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Entrenching privilege?

The impact of the unregulated elements of barrister training  

Gemma De Cordova spoke about the opportunities available by way of the third-six route.  

21 November 2016 / Desiree Artesi
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: Ethical advocacy in the modern adversarial system

The session began with a description of the new ethics and advocacy regime.   

21 November 2016 / Desiree Artesi

CBA champion

How to protect the profession from withering away when fees and career prospects are so limited? Rupert Jones talks to the determined Francis FitzGibbon QC about priorities for his term  

What do you want to achieve as CBA head? 

21 November 2016 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones
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Annual Bar Conference 2016: The changing landscape

Darwin calculated that the strata of the Weald of Kent would have taken 300 million years to reach their present state of erosion, so judged on its title, one might have expected ‘The changing landscape’ to have proceeded at a stately pace but any such impression was quickly dispelled as Briggs LJ, Andre de Mestre, Eleanor Holland and Ruth Hughes tore through the Civil Courts Structure Review, Chancery Division initiatives, disclosure and paperless trials.  

21 November 2016 / Rawdon Crozier
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Young Bar Conference 2016: Keynote and Open Forum

In her opening address Louisa Nye, Chairman of the Young Bar, noted two key themes included within the conference: technology and Brexit.   

21 November 2016 / Ben Seifert

Dear Donald…

As lawyers around the world watch with apprehension to see how President-Elect Trump will handle policy engaging the rule of law and human rights, Katherine Duncan reports on the IBA Human Rights Institute’s open letter to the incoming commander-in-chief  

In September, just a short distance away from The White House and as we watched the events of the US Presidential Campaign unfold, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) held an open forum at the IBA Conference in Washington, DC. 

21 November 2016 / Katherine Duncan
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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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