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Cross-examination by multiple counsel

Henry King and Simon Paul explore how shared cross-examination could expand opportunities for junior trial advocates, with reference to practice in other jurisdictions  

In the course of the discussion at the recent COMBAR North America meeting in Washington DC concerning the expansion of advocacy opportunities for junior counsel – as noted in this issue (see "Mind the gap") – support was expressed for giving junior lawyers discrete issues on which to conduct cross-examination.  

29 June 2015 / Henry King / Simon Paul

Empty benches

Adrian Jack crunches the numbers on High Court judiciary pay and warns of a looming recruitment catastrophe  

Recruitment to the High Court bench is facing a crisis due to collapsing pay and pension. 

29 June 2015 / Adrian Jack

Wellbeing at the Bar

Rachel Spearing reviews the results from the Bar Council’s first survey of the wellbeing of the profession  

The Bar, by its very nature, is a stressful place to work, regardless of Call, practice area or status and we are all aware of the levels of stigma associated with displaying any sign of weakness.  

26 May 2015 / Rachel Spearing

Pupillage: a potted history

As the Bar Standards Board reviews pupillages and prepares to consult on the present Bar training system, Guy Fetherstonhaugh QC looks back at their evolution  

In February 2015, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) published Future Bar Training : a programme of review and reform aimed at updating its regulation of training for and at the Bar.  

26 May 2015 / Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC
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Government counsel at the top of their game: part 2

Anthony Inglese CB with his second and final look at the lawyers to be found in the corridors of Whitehall  

A young Government Legal Service barrister is giving his first piece of advice to a Famous Top Political Figure. 

26 May 2015 / Anthony Inglese CB
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Experience is the best teacher

Simon Thornton-Wood explains the BSB review of pupillages and the purpose of its upcoming consultation  

“Nothing can substitute experience,” wrote the author Paulo Coelho. 

26 May 2015 / Simon Thornton-Wood

A diplomatic solution

David Wurtzel meets Sir Andrew Burns, the new Chair of the Bar Standards Board  

Sir Andrew Burns is the third Chair of the Bar Standards Board (BSB), the first man to hold the post, and resolutely a layman.  

27 April 2015 / David Wurtzel

Government counsel at the top of their game: Part 1

Advising Secretaries of State and Cabinet Secretaries is not about the gift of the gab, finds Anthony Inglese CB  

“Say your piece. Be concise. Then shut up. Ministers have no time to listen to a long legal ramble,” says Harry Carter, Deputy Legal Adviser to the Home Office, Chief Legal Adviser to the Northern Ireland Office and now a Bencher of Gray’s Inn.  

27 April 2015 / Anthony Inglese CB

Generation equality?

“Would you encourage your daughter to join the Bar?” asks Neelam Sarkaria  

Women in the profession are often asked whether we would recommend the Bar as a future career to their daughters.  

27 April 2015 / Neelam Sarkaria
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The new man in the shadows

As the election looms, Lord Bach, shadow attorney general, talks to Chris McWatters and puts Labour’s case for justice.  

I didn’t expect to find myself in this position,” says Lord Bach, “but I’m delighted Ed Miliband asked me to do it!” 

30 March 2015 / Chris McWatters / Chris McWatters
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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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