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Politicians and judges

The Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC MP, explains how he sees the relationship between politicians and judges  

A new polemic has emerged that the sovereignty of Parliament is being eroded and that the power of the judges, here and in Europe, is increasing to the point of their becoming the governors. 

31 January 2013
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Going Dutch

Dutch flagMax Hardy explains how an effective introduction to Continental law can be gained through the Anglo-Dutch Exchange  

A common, although not universal, failing among many English barristers is a surprising ignorance of foreign jurisdictions. Of course we are familiar with the Common Law jurisdictions of the Commonwealth and the United States and used to citing their cases, but when it comes to our near European neighbours sometimes a blank is drawn. 

31 January 2013
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Women's forums: self-indulgence or self-preservation?

Women's handsNichola Higgins assesses the role of women’s forums in achieving equality within and retaining women in the Bar.  

“I’m not sure I approve of women’s lawyers forums,” was Mrs Justice Gloster’s opening gambit as she delivered the key note speech at the second Middle Temple Women’s Forum on 4 October 2012. “...Or women’s networking groups…Does it achieve anything? Or does it betray an unjustified lack of confidence in our own status and in what we have achieved? Why do we need them?” 

31 December 2012
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The straightforward chairman

Counsel’s David Wurtzel interviews the incoming Chairman of the Bar, Maura McGowan QC, about her new role  

The first question I asked the 2013 Chairman of the Bar, is why she wanted to be chairman. Maura McGowan QC’s answer was a modest one. It is a good idea to have a change between civil and publicly funded practitioners, and it is good that “every so often” a woman does the job. It is in fact 15 years since the first woman chairman, Heather (now Lady Justice) Hallett. Maura adds, “I’d like to think I would make things better”. 

31 December 2012 / David Wurtzel
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Changing status

Andrew Hood on the tax implications of ceasing your self-employed status.  

When leaving the Bar whether on retirement, or to take up either a judicial appointment or a position of employment as a barrister, you will no doubt remember to deal with the major issues such as the ongoing relationship with Chambers, informing your business contacts and notifying the Bar Council. But there are, of course, also tax and financial implications which need to be considered. 

31 December 2012
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Wider World Web

InternetA New Media Forum, Wider World Web, was staged at the European Parliament’s Plenary Chamber in Brussels in June. The event was devised by Professor Peggy Valcke, research professor at Leuven University, and Siobhan Grey of Doughty Street Chambers.   

On 27th June 2012 The Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn, Leuven University (Belgium) and the Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (Florence, Italy) came together to stage a New Media Forum, Wider World Web, at the European Parliament’s Plenary Chamber in Brussels. The forum focused on media diversity, with an emphasis on the digital media, and how Industries such as News, Books and Music were adapting to the changes led by the digital world. The event was an opportunity to start a fresh debate about policy initiatives in relation to the democratic public interest requirements of media pluralism while recognising the business needs of media enterprises. 

30 November 2012
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Do Not Be Afraid

TechnologyGraham Cunningham, a member of the Bar Council’s IT Panel, offers a guide to IT equipment for technophobes.   

From time to time one reaches a technological crossroads. We have reached one such crossroads at the present time. 

30 November 2012
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Surveying the Bar

Toby Tallon examines the findings of Smith & Williamson’s recent survey of barristers’ chambers  

Despite widespread challenges facing the Bar, a recent survey by Smith & Williamson also revealed positive attitudes and potential opportunities for many members of the profession over the next few years. Given that barristers’ chambers are facing a period of potentially significant change, it seemed an appropriate and interesting time to undertake a survey. We first started this initiative two years ago and in our conversations with barristers, senior clerks and practice managers it became clear there was a dearth of information on the profession. As a result we undertook to organise a survey to help inform the discussion. This article summarises our findings. 

30 November 2012 / Toby Tallon
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The Modern Bar: Accessible, Adaptable & Relevant

This year’s Bar Conference took place on 10th November.  Counsel editorial board members Toby Craig, Nichola Higgins, Chris McWatters and David Wurtzel report  

Reaching the Tip of the Pyramid
Toby Craig reviews Lady Justice Rafferty’s keynote speech and the Chairman’s annual address  

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single professional in possession of a good practice must be in want of a better one.” Alluding to Austen, so opened Lady Justice Rafferty’s hugely well received keynote address to the 27th Annual Bar Conference. 

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Prosecutions for the services

SoldiersThe DSP is to the Armed Forces what the DPP is to civilians. Bruce Houlder QC DL, the first Director of Service Prosecutions, reflects upon his years in the role.  

In May 2008, after some 39 years at the Bar, I took up the challenge to create a new prosecuting authority for the Armed Services, and thus became the first Director of Service Prosecutions (DSP). The role was created by the Armed Forces Act 2006 which wrought significant changes to the service justice system. I am glad I took the leap. I have worked alongside intelligent, well motivated servicemen and women, and have been left with an enormous respect for the role they play in support of Service law and discipline, in the advisory sector, on operations, and as prosecutors. Initial difficulties and some avoidable obstructions were soon swept away, and a well respected joint prosecuting authority has emerged. 

31 October 2012
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Chair’s Column

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Investment in justice

The Bar Council will press for investment in justice at party conferences, the Chancellor’s Budget and Spending Review

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