Road traffic – Dangerous driving. The appeal concerned whether the prosecution had acted with reasonable diligence in fulfilling the obligation, in s 1 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, either to serve the defendant with a summons within 14 days of the offence, or to send notice of the possibility of the prosecution within 14 days of the offence to the driver or to the registered keeper of the vehicle. The defendant, who was convicted of dangerous driving, had not been warned, at the relevant time, of the possibility of a prosecution, because the notice of intended prosecution had been sent to the address of the previous owner of the vehicle, which was the registered keeper's address as it had appeared on the DVLA database. The Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, in dismissing the defendant's appeal against a conviction, held that the police had been entitled to conclude that the information the DVLA had provided had been accurate, given they had not been alerted to the real possibility of an error, and that, on the facts, the recorder had been entitled to conclude that the prosecution had acted with reasonable diligence.