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A Considered Response

Desmond Browne QC pays tribute to the people involved in drafting the Bar’s consultation paper responses 

31 July 2009
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Parliament puts spotlight on impact of family legal aid cuts on vulnerable children

PARLIAMENT played host to a high-level meeting on the impact of the Legal Services Commission’s proposed cuts to family legal aid on vulnerable children on 12 May 2009. 

Chaired by Baroness Butler-Sloss and Baroness Walmsley, the meeting gathered together Parliamentarians, family barristers and children’s charities, and examined the way in which some of the most vulnerable children and families will be put at risk by the cuts to the legal aid budget for family cases, which are due to be implemented later this year. 

30 June 2009
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Forced Marriage and Honour-Based Violence

Khadija Ali and Lynne Townley explain the background to the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 and consider what all sectors are doing to tackle the problem.  

Since the murder of Heshu Yones in 2002, the issue of forced marriage and other forms of honour based violence have been the source of media attention and more significantly that of the Government which brought the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 into effect on 25 November 2008. 

31 May 2009
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Legal aid cuts could put children at increased risk

The Family Bar Association (FLBA) has presented the Ministry of Justice with a dossier of case studies showing the harm that could result if funding cuts to the legal aid system go ahead. 

31 May 2009
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Revealed: the human cost of proposed cuts to family legal aid dossier of case studies submitted to ministers

THE potential human cost of denying vulnerable families and children access to expert legal support in care and related cases was revealed in a dossier of case studies, showing the difficulties which are already being encountered by family barristers as they seek to represent their clients to the best of their abilities. 

The Family Law Bar Association (FLBA) submitted the case studies to the Ministry of Justice, which is overseeing deep cuts to funding support for vulnerable families and children as part of a major attack of the legal aid system. The FLBA is campaigning for no further cuts in a system which is already creaking under the strain of societal change and which faces greater demands for intervention to protect children at risk in the wake of Baby P. 

31 May 2009
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No more blame

Family lawyers’ group Resolution has called for radical reform of the divorce laws.  Resolution is calling for amicable divorce on the grounds of “irretrievable breakdown” to be allowed after six months.

31 May 2009
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Bar Council endorses concerns contained in Lord Laming’s report

THE Bar Council and the Family Law Bar Association (FLBA) have endorsed the reforms recommending in Lord Laming’s report on child protection. Published on the 12th March, the report has highlighted the difficulties faced by professionals working to protect the most vulnerable in society. Increasingly complex cases which often involve alcohol and drug abuse, as well as mental health problems, are being faced by professionals in the front line of social services. Large caseloads are preventing poorly-prepared staff from addressing adequately the needs of troubled families. 

The report’s recommendations include making all participants in care proceedings responsible for the reduction of delays in progressing
cases, and the appointment of an independent person to undertake a review of the impact of court fees, with a view to abolishing them from 2010/11 onwards. 

Speaking as the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, the Rt Hon Ed Balls MP, announced mandatory training for all local authority directors of children’s services, the Chair of the FLBA, Lucy Theis QC, said: 

‘The report by Lord Laming, and the Minister’s response, set out very clearly the huge challenge faced by those dealing with vulnerable families on a daily basis. The support and expertise of the family Bar, which provides specialist representation by dedicated practitioners who often have to deal with incredibly difficult situations involving child protection, is vital if we are to give the public the service they deserve.’ She continued: 

‘It may well be that the laws which address child protection need to be reconsidered in the light of the spate of recent tragedies and the
findings contained in this report. The FLBA is committed to the best possible representation for those going through the family justice system; any changes to the law, which assist in the protection of vulnerable children, would be welcomed.’ 

Desmond Browne QC, the Chairman of the Bar, added: 

‘The Bar Council has consistently warned about the effect of the enormous rise in court fees in May 2008 on local authorities’ ability to initiate child care proceedings. It was inevitable that an increase from £150 to £4,825 for a fully contested matter would deter some authorities from acting. As Lord Laming rightly says, “if even in one case a local authority is deterred from taking action, that is one case too many.” It is wrong in principle that in cases where a child’s safety is at risk, the government should be trying to recover court costs from litigants. They should think again.’ 

30 April 2009
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Family Justice Under Threat

The family justice system will fast unravel if funding cuts force publicly funded barristers to take flight, writes Lucy Theis QC 

30 April 2009
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Civil fee schemes

A “tolerance” fee for personal injury work, and a separate preparation fee for in-house advocates working on family public law care and supervision cases would be introduced under plans to amend the civil fee schemes.

30 April 2009
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Family barristers face fee crisis

Family barristers are stepping up their campaign against proposals to pay fixed fees for advocacy in family legal aid cases from 2010. 

30 April 2009
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