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BSB approach to new legal structures

The Chair of the Bar Standards Board , Baroness Ruth Deech, talks of the need to take a scrupulous approach when considering barristers’ involvement in new legal structures. The Legal Services Act 2007 allows for different types of lawyer and non-lawyer to form businesses together. It also permits non-lawyers to be involved in the management or ownership of businesses that provide legal services.
Although the Bar Standards Board is keen to embrace these new dimensions, it believes this should be preceded by careful analysis of the issues raised in the responses to its second consultation paper related to the Legal Services Act. 

Commenting on the issue, Baroness Deech said: "At the heart of the BSB lies the task of guaranteeing the quality of legal services to the client. Our work on new legal structures has been dominated by ensuring that whatever new forms legal practice may take, the client will still get independent quality advice at fair cost. The BSB has been spending much time closely analysing the responses received to its second consultation related to the Legal Services Act. 

31 July 2009
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A Considered Response

Desmond Browne QC pays tribute to the people involved in drafting the Bar’s consultation paper responses 

31 July 2009
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In Case C-243/08 the ECJ held that in the area of consumer protection, national courts are not limited merely to ruling on the possible unfairness of a contractual term, but must also themselves examine that issue, where requisite legal and factual elements are available to them to do so. 

See: http://curia.europa.eu/jurisp/cgi-bin/form.pl?lang=EN&Submit=rechercher&numaff=C-243/08 

31 July 2009
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Clients come first, says Deech

The task of providing “independent quality advice” must take centre stage in any decisions on barristers’ involvement in new legal structures under the Legal Services Act 2007.

31 July 2009
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Bar and Law Society voice concerns over Best Value Tendering scheme

ACCESS to justice is at risk as the Government ploughs on with its reckless approach to Best Value Tendering said the Law Society, the Bar Council and the Criminal Bar Association as they submitted their responses to the Legal Services Commission's consultation paper on Best Value Tendering (BVT) for certain legal aid services. The Law Society, the Bar Council and the Criminal Bar Association are all gravely concerned about BVT as currently proposed by the LSC. 

The consultation paper was issued in March 2009, and proposes a limited BVT scheme which would cover lower crime work in police stations and the Magistrates' Courts. This would probably be extended should it prove successful. 

31 July 2009
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IN June the Commission issued a Communication setting out what it would like to see the EU prioritise over the next 5 years across the breadth of activity in the Justice Liberty and Security fields. The European institutions will now debate the draft, leading to the definitive adoption of the work programme in Stockholm at the end of the Swedish Council Presidency in December. The Commission will follow this with an Action Plan in 2010, setting out detailed, prioritised, and timetabled plans to implement the programme. The Communication reveals some potentially far-reaching and controversial ideas across the range of JLS activities, including in both the criminal and civil law fields: 


31 July 2009
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The European Commission is consulting the public to determine whether International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) should be adopted
in the EU. The deadline is 15 September 2009. 

See: http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/auditing/isa/index_en.htm 

31 July 2009
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Barristers and solicitors unite over best value tendering

The Bar Council and the Law Society have joined forces to warn access to justice is at risk if the government “ploughs on with its reckless approach” to best value tendering (“BVT”). 

30 June 2009
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Taking the Lead

Baroness Scotland scored a number of firsts simply in becoming Attorney General. In office she has taken an unprecedented lead in ensuring that those who represent the Crown are as diverse as the Bar and in encouraging the Bar to be as diverse as the people it represents, finds David Wurtzel 

30 June 2009
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Chambers for the ?Next Generation

Alexander Learmonth and Adam Baradon consider what the proposed new structures for chambers will mean for future recruitment to the Bar.  

The Legal Services Act 2007 opened the door to barristers practising in partnership with one another (BOP) or with other legal professionals in a Legal Disciplinary Partnership (LDP). The Bar Standards Board consultation on this ended  on 1 March 2009. It focused on the competition law aspects. The Law Society has already started accepting applications from solicitors’ firms who wish to include non-lawyer managers or to become “recognised bodies” and 14 LDPs officially came into being on 31 March 2009. 

31 May 2009
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