Public Funding

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Justice in the Balance

We will work to ensure the forthcoming spending cuts are implemented in a way which preserves the profession and the justice system, writes Nick Green QC 

31 October 2010
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BSB session at the Bar Conference - Saturday 6 November

The BSB workshop will cover the changes in regulation brought about by the Legal Services Act 2007 and the new regulatory entities that affect the profession, including the Bar Standards Board, Legal Services Board and the Office of Legal Complaints. 

31 October 2010
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Kinch sets out CBA priorities

The new Criminal Bar Association (“CBA”) Chair, Christopher Kinch QC has vowed to stand up for publicly funded clients during his tenure. 

01 October 2010
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Another stark warning for the publicly funded Bar

“It is unlikely that there will be enough publicly funded criminal case work to support the number of people who wish to earn a living from publicly funded practice at the criminal Bar. 

01 October 2010
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The Direct Approach

Nick Green QC on entity regulation, direct access training courses and bidding for local authority work 

30 September 2010
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The Chief Ombudsman

Adam-Sampson-(2)David Wurtzel meets Adam Sampson, the Chief Ombudsman and Chief Executive of the Legal Ombudsman, the new scheme established by the Office of Legal Complaints to handle consumer legal complaints 

31 August 2010
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Brace for Impact

Nick Green QC issues a warning about the Comprehensive Spending Review 

31 August 2010
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Facing a Herculean Task

Nick Green QC explains why the Bar Council has established five working groups to ensure that the Bar is prepared for future legal aid reforms 

31 July 2010
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Raising the Standard

dv3710371David Wurtzel reports on the latest development in the quality assurance assessment process for the Bar.  

This month the Joint Advocacy Group (“JAG”) is due to publish the results of its consultation on standards in advocacy. It will be closely followed by a consultation on the next stage, namely the methods of assessment. In February the Legal Services Commission (“LSC”) produced a Discussion Paper “Quality Assurance for Advocates” which confirms that they are passing the baton to the JAG along with advice, warnings and a complete report on their own experience in running a quality assurance assessment (“QAA”) pilot which was carried out by Cardiff Law School. 

31 May 2010 / David Wurtzel
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Accentuating the Positives

The Bar Council is changing its emphasis, writes Nick Green QC. It wishes to communicate with the Bar’s clients – and potential clients – the benefits, such as the cost effectiveness, of using the Bar 

The only person who was more surprised than I when the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice was announced was Ken Clarke QC MP himself. Nonetheless, he looked resplendent in his robes when he was sworn in, at 9.30 on 14 May in Court 4 at the Royal Courts of Justice. The entire court was awash with finery since all available judiciary were present in full garb. The formality of the event was nicely counterbalanced by the Lord Chief Justice and the Lord Chancellor exchanging jokes about brown suede shoes. In addition, the Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC MP, and Solicitor General, Edward Garnier QC MP, were also welcomed by the Lord Chief Justice to their roles. All three of the Ministry top team are barristers, as the Lord Chief recalled during the welcome when he reminded the Lord Chancellor of a divorce case in which they had been adversaries during the 1960s. 

31 May 2010
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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