Career Hub


Building your reputation through awards

Award entries are an important part of the legal PR mix. Kerry Jack explains what makes a winning entry, and why it’s good for business 

10 May 2021 / Kerry Jack

A career in governance

Making a move from the Bar to a career in governance: Maria Brookes outlines three good reasons to switch and how to do it 

30 March 2021 / Maria Brookes

‘Firming’ up the Bar

A chambers... in a law firm? The in-house advocacy model re-imagined: Sahar Farooqi and Jonathan Robinshaw explain how it works and where it sits under ‘the Bar’ umbrella 

26 March 2021 / Sahar Farooqi / Jonathan Robinshaw

Secondments: a win/win?

Why 2021 could be a boom time for secondments… and a boon for the Bar. By Jamie Clack and Elliott Rogers 

24 March 2021 / Jamie Clack / Elliott Rogers

Bar to boardroom: so you want to work in-house?

More than ever, members of the Bar are thinking about in-house roles. How to choose the right job, maximise your chances of securing it, and shine at interview. By Richard Tapp 

22 March 2021 / Richard Tapp

Barristers of the digital future

Inés Rivera explains how speech recognition can help barristers create accurate documentation faster 

18 March 2021 / Inés Rivera

Rising up the rankings: an insider's guide

Daniel Kidd lifts the lid on the often-misunderstood legal directory submissions process and explores ways in which chambers and barristers can optimise their ranking strategies 

12 March 2021 / Daniel Kidd

Is your ambition driving you in the right direction?

The problem with ambition is when we tie it to the wrong destination... something with which lawyers commonly struggle, says Helen Conway  

25 February 2021 / Helen Conway

When wigs become masks

Are high achievers their own worst enemies when it comes to self-doubt? Nikki Alderson offers ten strategies to help you overcome imposter syndrome and achieve your goals 

25 February 2021 / Nikki Alderson

Silk cut?

Tim Collins explains how to make the cut and not be blunted  

25 February 2021 / Tim Collins
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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