Mediation: don’t panic in the pandemic, be prepared

Might fear of the courts being overwhelmed by an anticipated flood of cases, after eventual emergence from lockdown, begin a trend amongst the judiciary to be more proactive in its encouragement of mediation? Colin Manning investigates 

26 May 2020 / Colin Manning

Book review: Radical Wordsworth: the Poet Who Changed the World

By Jonathan Bate  

William Collins (April 2020), ISBN 978-0008167424, Hardcover (608 pages) 

Reviewed by Russell Harris QC  

26 May 2020 / Russell Harris KC

Book review: People Like Us: What it Takes to Make it in Modern Britain

By Hashi Mohamed 

Profile Books (January 2020), ISBN 978-1788161121, Hardcover (320 pages) 

Reviewed by  Malvika Jaganmohan 

26 May 2020 / Malvika Jaganmohan

The ethics of remote hearings in the criminal and family courts

Reasons to pause and consider your ethical obligations. By Christopher Convey Martha Gray  and Hari Kaur  of the Bar Council Ethics Committee  

A new role for private prosecutions in the wake of Covid-19?

evin Dent QC  and Jeremy Asher  argue that private prosecutions could fill what will otherwise add up to a significant deficit in justice 

20 May 2020 / Kevin Dent KC / Jeremy Asher

Habeas corpus, the TCI and Covid-19

How are smaller jurisdictions coping with the challenges thrown up by the coronavirus? im Prudhoe  describes how a chance jailhouse referral in the Turks and Caicos Islands led to a ‘remote’ pro bono defence of Sri Lankan detainees caught in the chaos 

20 May 2020 / Tim Prudhoe

The lockdown law

Eight ways to reinforce and revise the coronavirus restrictions regulations. By Tom Hickman QC  

20 May 2020 / Tom Hickman KC

OPINION Juries in isolation

However temporary the new measures are intended to be, there is always a risk that they could become permanent - Sailesh Mehta  and Mahesh Karu  on the resumption of jury trials, but not as we know them  

19 May 2020 / Sailesh Mehta / Mahesh Karu

20 texts for lawyers to read/watch/listen to in lockdown

David Langwallner  tends to your literary health: a personal prescription, with some aphoristic and aesthetic comment 

19 May 2020 / David Langwallner

Book review: Talking Law, a Women in the Law UK Book

By Sally Penni 

Independently published (March 2020), ISBN 979-8603267661, Paperback (295 pages) 

Reviewed by David Wurtzel  

19 May 2020 / David Wurtzel
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Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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