ABE 2016/19 has gone AWOL

Shortcomings and legal anachronisms: how can we achieve best evidence if current guidance is dangerously out of date on the law on special measures? asks Laura Hoyano

23 April 2020 / Laura Hoyano

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21 April 2020

Only connect: Elizabeth Prochaska

The newly appointed Chair of the Public Law Project on isolation, teamwork and why institutions are invaluable in effecting systemic legal change. Interview by Isabel Buchanan  

16 April 2020 / Isabel Buchanan

A barrister’s view from splendid self-isolation

Lucy Reed shares a page from the self-isolation diary, the early days: adapting to a completely new working environment and coping with the unexpected presence of the kids at home 

16 April 2020 / Lucy Reed KC

When the dust settles: how to plan for other bad times after Covid-19

COVID-19 is, now, a unique event in the modern economy, but that doesn’t mean something similar won’t happen again. As we continue to adjust to the current crisis, here's Robin Jackson's list of 10 key things to keep in mind for the future 

16 April 2020 / Robin Jackson

Paperless & remote working in Covid-19 times: 1

Paperless advocacy has fast become essential for any barrister working in our court system during the pandemic. A step-by-step guide to constructing indexed and paginated e-bundles using Adobe Acrobat and PDF Expert 

By Darren Howe QC, Elizabeth Isaacs QC, Matthew Maynard, Matthew Richardson and Lucy Maxwell 

The barrister’s progress

From a jobbing criminal hack to a silk, Recorder and Bencher in four years – Kama Melly QC reflects on how it happened and the measurement of career success at the Bar 

16 April 2020 / Kama Melly KC

Troubleshooting tips for the junior Bar

Taking stock of your practice, planning for the future and adjusting the way you work is one way to make use of interrupted times. Athena Markides grilled a panel, one famously secret, at the Bar Conference for their advice 

The Bar in the time of coronavirus

The Bar… will it ever be the same again? Melanie Tether and Nadia Motraghi analyse some of the immediate challenges – how to assess the suitability of an individual case for a remote hearing; how to ensure full participation of all parties so that cases are dealt with justly, as well as on an equal footing; and how to enable open justice 

16 April 2020 / Melanie Tether / Nadia Motraghi
virtual magazine View virtual issue

Chair’s Column

Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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