Justice Matters


Video and live-link evidence: state of play

Special measures, lingering live-link issues and banishing generalisations: as the s 28 roll-out hits the buffers, Laura Hoyano examines state of play 

28 September 2018 / Laura Hoyano

The human cost of digital justice

There’s nothing inherently wrong with cost saving but some things simply deserve to be done face-to-face. Mary Cowe examines the impact of video links outside trial  

28 September 2018 / Mary Cowe

Punctuation, hacks and howlers

There are only a few cardinal rules, so read, relax and punctuate with confidence: Dominic Selwood reveals all…  

28 September 2018 / Dominic Selwood

Debrett’s* guide to social media for lawyers

Legal Twitter is a thriving, positive and influential community but even lawyers can get themselves into hot water if they don’t observe the netiquette. A guide to the do’s and don’ts by early adopter Lucy Reed  

28 September 2018 / Lucy Reed KC

Wisdom from women-of-firsts: ‘justice belongs to the people’

Four formidable legal pioneers talked candidly about their lives and careers to a packed house at Gray’s Inn. Dana Denis-Smith reports  

28 September 2018 / Dana Denis-Smith

Freeze frame

Digitising documents, yes. Digitising clients, no. The Secret Barrister’s resistance to the video-link revolution is both practical and principled  

28 September 2018 / The Secret Barrister

Is the leak in employment protection fixed?

What’s the gig issue?  Pimlico Plumbers v Smith lives up to neither its hype nor condemnation but  has missed the opportunity to clarify the status of today’s app-led, on-demand workforce, writes Chris Milsom  

31 August 2018 / Chris Milsom

The Jogee effect

John Crilly’s release in April 2018 marks the only conviction quashed as a result of  Jogee. Paul Taylor QC considers the evolution of the law on joint enterprise and impact on potential appellants convicted under the ‘old law’  

31 August 2018 / Paul Taylor KC

It’s a sham? The changing definition of marriage of convenience

Allan Briddock examines a significantly widened definition of ‘marriage of convenience’ and how the new test could catch out many genuine relationships  

27 July 2018 / Allan Briddock

Therapy animals and ABE

Australia and the United States are increasingly using animals to support effective participation in courts. Will it catch on over here? Professor Penny Cooper explores the issues to consider in England and Wales  

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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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