Justice Matters

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Unintended consequences

It isn’t only big policy decisions that have unintended consequences; Rawdon Crozier explains how a well-intentioned and principled change in public policy killed the Lease Conference  

26 April 2018 / Rawdon Crozier

Regulating internet surveillance

RIPA is dead, long live the IPA? As the so-called Snooper’s Charter comes into force, Tom Hickman examines the two regimes, recent case law and checks and balances on the state’s new bulk digital surveillance powers  

23 April 2018 / Tom Hickman

‘Best interest’ cases

As publicity and concern grow over life support and best interest cases, Rosalind English provides an overview of the courts’ approach  

23 April 2018 / Rosalind English
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Myths and Money: Social Mobility and our Profession

By Sir Paul Jenkins KCB QC 

Reprinted with the kind permission of  The Middle Templar (Michaelmas 2017 edition)  

20 March 2018

The global jury #legaltech: crowdsourcing and big court data

Crowdsourcing court decisions? Will it ever take over from the pedigree and reputation of the Bar? By Simon Gittins 

20 March 2018 / Simon Gittins

Reaching for the stars: is social mobility hitting its stride?

Unmonied and painfully shy, 14-year-old northener Louise Brandon caught the Bar bug and proved naysayers wrong. She looks back on her own experience to assess how far the Bar has come in terms of tapping into the ‘talent elite’  

20 March 2018 / Louise Brandon

Is social mobility dead?

What’s your view on social mobility and its vital signs at the Bar? Michael Todd QC, Leslie Thomas QC, Alice de Coverley, Daisy Mortimer, Dr Tunde Okewale MBE, Sharon Laurence and James Keeley assess its state of health  


Blockchain, Bitcoin and the Bar (2)

Peter Susman QC updates his December 2017 article by trying to answer two further questions he has been asked by a number of readers  

20 February 2018 / Peter Susman KC

Criminal finances & tax evasion: crackdown on corruption

With events such as the Paradise Papers increasing pressure on government to deal with tax evasion, and bodies corporate on the cusp of prosecution, Anthony Eskander explains what’s in force, what’s coming next and the relevance to barristers  

20 February 2018 / Anthony Eskander

Public trust and confidence: it’s good to talk

In the aftermath of recent disclosure failures, John Warboys release and the case of Poppi Worthington, being able to talk openly is absolutely critical if we are to repair confidence in the justice system, argues Lucy Reed  

20 February 2018 / Lucy Reed KC
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

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