Legal Personality

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Luke Blackburn

Job title
Barrister, 7 Bedford Row

7 Bedford Row is a leading national and international set, providing expertise in family law, clinical and professional negligence, personal injury, crime, insurance disputes, employment, fraud, contract and tort, sports law, and regulatory and white collar crime.

Your practice has developed beyond “conventional” crime and regulatory to include professional disciplinary work, and you have recently been award the Bar Pro Bono Award for your work on the Bar Standards Board. How has this come about, and why is the BSB work pro bono?

My practice has always involved an element of disciplinary work, and I have represented a number of legal, medical, financial and sports professionals before the disciplinary committees of various regulatory bodies.  

31 March 2012
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Christopher Quinlan QC

Job title : Silk, Guildhall Chambers, Bristol

Christopher Quinlan QC practises from Guildhall Chambers, Bristol as a member of the Sports Law team. Guildhall Chambers was recently voted “Chambers of the Year” by Legal Week. Its 73 members (including 7 silks) offer expertise from within specialist teams also covering crime, commercial, employment, insolvency, personal injury & clinical negligence and property.

29 February 2012
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Jane McNeill QC

Job title - Silk, Old Square Chambers

Old Square Chambers specialises in employment and personal injury law. It is also known for its expertise in clinical negligence, health & safety, environmental, professional discipline, product liability and public inquiries. It has 11 QCs and over 50 other members based in London or Bristol 

31 January 2012
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Jonathan Hall

Job title : Barrister, 9-12 Bell Yard

9-12 Bell Yard is a leading criminal set, whose members also possess specialist knowledge in common law, administrative law, licensing and the regulatory sector. The set undertakes advocacy for City law firms, public prosecution authorities, major corporates, government departments and local authorities. Chambers is authorised to accept appropriate direct and international instructions

31 December 2011
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Philip Jones QC

Job title
Silk, Serle Court

Serle Court offers expertise across a broad range of chancery and commercial disciplines. It covers the whole range of ‘business’ law, from offshore litigation about the world’s largest companies to domestic advice on probate matters, servicing a similarly disparate lay and professional client base at home and abroad.

30 November 2011
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Ian Lawrie QC

Job title
Silk, 3PB

3PB is a long-established set of over 150 members operating from five centres across the UK. Ian Lawrie QC is Head of the Regulatory Compliance Group, and Head of Equality and Diversity.

31 October 2011
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David Wolfson QC

Job title
Silk, One Essex Court

One Essex Court specialises in all forms of commercial litigation. Its work embraces all aspects of domestic and international trade, commerce and finance. Its members provide specialist advice and advocacy services worldwide, which include all areas of dispute resolution, litigation and arbitration. Members of Chambers also regularly accept nominations as arbitrators, mediators and experts

30 September 2011
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Karen Steyn

Job title
Barrister, 11KBW

11KBW advises on all areas of civil practice with particular depth of experience in public law having acted, inter alia, in the leading case on the right to free elections. Along with its reputation in education law, chambers brings its expertise to bear in EU Competition and regularly advises central government, local authorities and individuals.

31 August 2011
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Beverly Landais & Vince Plant

Job titles
CEO and Head of Clerking Services Devereux

Devereux Chambers covers the professional markets in insurance and reinsurance, employment law, tax, finance, sports, energy, telecommunications and education. It has a large and successful team advising and representing those engaged in cases involving personal injury, clinical negligence and health and safety and offers arbitration and mediation services.

31 July 2011
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Geoffrey Carr

Job title
Senior Clerk
14 Gray’s Inn Square

14 Gray’s Inn Square is predominantly a family law set with a strong reputation for representation in all aspects of family law, dealing with both children and financial proceedings. The set also undertakes work in civil law and administrative law proceedings including education, housing, immigration and mental health.

What are you doing to try to keep your members ahead of the curve with all the public funding cuts being made?

30 June 2011
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Chair’s Column

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New year, new beginnings

Barbara Mills KC, the new Chair of the Bar, outlines some key themes and priorities

Job of the Week


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