At the foothills of online court reform

Dropping hearings into Zoom is not the end game, writes Professor Richard Susskind OBE

09 November 2021 / Professor Richard Susskind OBE

Deception and decriminalising virus transmission

A public health or criminal issue? The law on deception remains unclear and unresolved, write Professor Felicity Gerry QC and Professor Matthew Weait FAcSS


To cap or not to cap, that is the question

Should we cap numbers coming to the Bar? Or help them make data driven decisions? asks Ishan Kolhatkar 

05 October 2021 / Ishan Kolhatkar

The Nightingale COVID-19 response

Evaluating the temporary courtrooms and remote hearings set up to support the justice system through COVID: how should we deliver justice now and onwards? asks Lorna Cameron

05 October 2021 / Lorna Cameron

On the brink of collapse? The family law system in 2021

The family law system is in crisis and a failure to recognise it as such demeans the Herculean efforts of all involved, writes Celestine Greenwood, an exhausted family practitioner

23 September 2021 / Celestine Greenwood

DPAs for the masses: the rehabilitative approach

Politicians 'getting tough on crime' should note two pioneering, results-based, rehabilitative schemes in Durham and Hertfordshire which are slashing reoffending rates, write Tori Adams and Siân Beaven

01 September 2021 / Tori Adams / Siân Beaven

The ICC, the Rome Statute and crimes against the LGBT community

Mind the gap: Christina Warner looks at LGBT+ protections, legislative ambiguities and chinks in the ICC framework

25 June 2021 / Christina Warner

Grenfell: lessons learnt

On the fourth anniversary of a tragic fire that claimed 72 lives, Sailesh Mehta outlines four key lessons 

14 June 2021 / Sailesh Mehta

Meaningful sanctions and priority action

Ensuring the sanctions guidance is fit for purpose is just one of the many challenges that confront women at the Bar, writes Francesca O'Neill

11 June 2021 / Francesca O'Neill

Exploited and convicted: restoring 'good' character

How do we correctly acknowledge victimhood in our criminal justice system? asks Nicholas Hall 

03 June 2021 / Nicholas Hall
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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