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An Expert Eye

Richard Jones QC meets the President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, Professor Terence Stephenson 

01 October 2010
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Law in Action

domgreiveDavid Wurtzel meets Dominic Grieve QC MP 

While his colleagues have been emphasising how different they will be from the Labour Minister who came before them, the new Attorney General, Dominic Grieve QC MP, prefers to see the development of the law officers’ role as “seamless”. When we met in his Victoria Street office in late July, he explained that he looked back to his Tory predecessors, Patrick Mayhew and Nicholas Lyell. 

01 October 2010
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Lee Tyler

Name: Lee Tyler
Position: Senior Clerk
Chambers:  2 Temple Gardens 

31 August 2010
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The Chief Ombudsman

Adam-Sampson-(2)David Wurtzel meets Adam Sampson, the Chief Ombudsman and Chief Executive of the Legal Ombudsman, the new scheme established by the Office of Legal Complaints to handle consumer legal complaints 

31 August 2010
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Consistency & Confidence

Lord Justice Leveson explains the work of the new Sentencing Council 

31 August 2010
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Andrew Argyle

Name: Andrew Argyle
Position: CEO
Chambers:  Zenith Chambers 

31 July 2010
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Making a connection

David Wurtzel meets Lord Justice Laws, the 2010 Master Treasurer of Inner Temple, and finds philosophy, politics and the law are closely interrelated 

30 June 2010
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Ann Buxton

Name: Ann Buxton
Position: CEO
Chambers: Hardwicke 

30 June 2010
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Mark Ellison QC and Martin Secrett

Names: Mark Ellison QC and Martin Secrett
Positions: Criminal/Fraud Silk and Senior Clerk
Chambers: QEB Hollis Whiteman 

31 May 2010
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Timothy Scott QC & Laura Heaton

Name: Timothy Scott QC     Position: Family Law Silk 

Name: Laura Heaton            Position: Family Law Barrister / Finance Director 

Chambers: 29 Bedford Row 

30 April 2010
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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