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Beware of the dog

Beware of the dog signThe difficulties of identification evidence are well known. Nöel Sweeney examines how these difficulties increase when animals are involved, and asks ... did the lady bite the right dog?  

Identification evidence is the weakest form of evidence that exists. As a result of R. v. Turnbull  [1977] QB 224 a judge has a duty to warn a jury of the dangers of relying on identification. The dangers apply equally to civil and criminal cases. However it is neither fair nor just to limit the protection of the law to a human. 

28 February 2013
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Lexa Hilliard QC

Job title: Silk, 11 Stone Buildings 

11SB is a leading commercial/chancery set with multi-disciplinary expertise. Areas in which 11SB specialises include civil fraud, financial services and banking, insolvency, company and professional negligence.  

What do you credit your success to?
You might find this odd, but the answer to your question is: training with Vidal Sassoon. I was unruly, undisciplined and disorganised at school and left after my ‘O’ levels. I fell into training to be a hairdresser with Vidal Sassoon and I just loved it. 

28 February 2013
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Not as bad as we thought

GraphsDavid Wurtzel considers the results of the Bar Council’s 2012 “Bar Barometer”.  

‘The Bar will shrink’ has been a common cry of alarm over a number of years. First, the Bar lost its monopoly over the rights of audience in the Higher Courts, then solicitor advocates entered the market in force and then Legal Aid declined, student debt rose and the number of pupillages dwindled. And yet, according the 2012 Bar Barometer, the self-employed Bar as a whole has instead expanded. Using the latest statistics available, between 2010 and 2011 the largest increase (1.2%) in the previous five years took place. At the same time, the proportion of women and of BME barristers has steadily if slowly gone up. 

28 February 2013 / David Wurtzel
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Saving is a Very Fine Thing

Lanying Burley and Mike Fosberry give a round-up of practical advice when investing for children  

If you are looking to put money aside for your children or grandchildren, whether it is simply for building up a savings pot for them or to pay for school or university fees, there are a number of tax saving investments and vehicles to consider. Each holds different attractions depending on personal circumstances and attitude to risk. This article looks at some of the options. 

28 February 2013
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Bar Human Rights Committee

Kirsty Brimelow QC, Chairwoman of the Bar Human Rights Committee, explains its work  

The Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) was set up by a small group of English barristers in 1991. Its original remit was to provide support and remedies for judges and lawyers, in other countries, who were being persecuted or prevented from performing their professional duties. 

28 February 2013
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Secret E-Diary - March 2013

A much anticipated day in court ends before it even gets started 

February 8 2013: “‘Twas a rough night!” - Macbeth  

It always is a rough night prior to the first day of an important case, particularly when it is a Sunday. There is all that coffee the night before, as you take a last (or sometimes first) serious look at the papers, together with cheese snacks and all available distractions competing to draw one’s eye from the dire events of the morrow. 

28 February 2013
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How much should we know?

Senior judges have for good reason long resisted all attempts to undermine the secrecy and anonymity that attaches to juries. Does the internet now threaten this, asks Adam King  

The rule prohibiting jurors from conducting internet research on defendants and witnesses is well-established and, particularly after the recent imprisonment of Joanna Fraill and Theodora Dallas, well-known. 

28 February 2013
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Neither Grisham nor Rumpole

Tomorrow’s Lawyers: An Introduction to Your Future 
Richard Susskind
ISBN: 978 0 19 966806 9
January 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Price: £9.99

Richard Susskind, professor of law and sometime advisor to judiciary and government on computing and the law, thinks himself something of a matador, facing down the heavy, pawing mass of a legal profession that seems set to charge off on its own merry way. Rather than slaughtering the steer before him, however, Susskind wants to grab it by the horns and lead it out of the ring into sunny pastures new. 

31 January 2013
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Ends not means: scrutinising CPD

Magnifying glassCPD is a system of inputs that is completely blind to the outcomes, writes Matthew Nicklin. How best, then, to ensure that barristers are competent in the areas in which they practise?  

When Continuing Professional Development (CPD) was first made compulsory by the Bar Council, it was the Bar’s first discernible quality assurance measure for consumer protection. The theory was simple. Practitioners were required to complete a designated number of hours of recognised activities designed to keep them up to the mark. 

31 January 2013
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Making pro bono count

CogsWith pro bono projects about to be tested to their limits, it is imperative that proper use is made of the hard-fought-for legislation and supporting bodies, writes Guy Skelton  

Despite a somewhat dubious public perception, the law has an honourable history of philanthropy and charitable work. The nationwide legal walks, for example, are a powerful symbol of the legal sector’s belief in ‘giving back’. The 6,000 people who took part in this year’s London Legal Walk — a host of chambers, solicitors firms, Citizens Advice Bureaus, the judiciary and pro bono projects — raised over £530,000. 

31 January 2013
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Heading into summer

Chair of the Bar Sam Townend KC encourages colleagues to take a proper break over summer and highlights recent events and key activities for autumn

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