BarTech opportunity awaits

Don’t let solicitors steal a march on the Bar. The time is ripe to monetise your knowledge, consolidate your reputation and start up your inner tech entrepreneur 

18 April 2019 / Andrew Thornton

Making the move to partnership

Enthusiastically embraced by the young Bar for some years, now those more established in their careers are responding to opportunities the employed Bar can offer. Where to start? Here’s a practical guide to help you navigate the process by Sara George 

18 April 2019 / Sara George

What the Bar can learn from... The masters of influence

What is it that brilliant influencers do to get people on their side? Try adopting techniques from the world of sales to read client personalities, influence decisions and get more – and better – briefs. By Gavin Presman 

18 April 2019 / Gavin Presman

Gifts and entertainment

What to do if a grateful client offers you a holiday on their superyacht? A guide to your professional obligations 

18 April 2019 / Tony McDaid / Clare Strickland

Brexit and the politics of law-making

Should MPs be able to legislate contrary to the wishes of the government of the day? The Cooper Bill has raised fundamental questions over the relationship between law and politics in the United Kingdom 

18 April 2019 / Dr Jack Simson Caird

Some citizens are more equal than others

Citizenship-stripping: principled, random or opportunistic? The fall of ISIS and potential return to the UK of British citizens who left to fight under its banner confronts ministers with difficult and divisive issues 

18 April 2019 / Colin Yeo

Draft Domestic Abuse Bill: Progress or pitfall?

The draft Domestic Abuse Bill is dividing opinion. Initially hailed as a step-change, why is it now generating significant backlash? asks Christina Warner 

18 April 2019 / Christina Warner

Can we fix it? Yes we can

Reports come thick and fast of crumbling courts and inhumane conditions whilst 50% of the magistrates’ court estate is sold off for luxe developments. If the Ministry of Justice won’t fix things, might localisation be the answer? 

Why I make time to... Play in a chambers band

Law Rocks has become a force of nature and Keating Chambers has managed to field a group of fully fledged musicians spearheaded by an extraordinarily talented (and modest) frontman 

18 April 2019 / Calum Lamont
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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