
Not (yet) glass shattering

Given today’s judicial recruitment crisis it couldn’t be more urgent that the Bar keeps its best candidates for Silk and beyond, writes Lynne Townley, with tips from a recent clinic getting barristers QC-application-ready  

31 August 2018 / Lynne Townley

Book review: Chance, Cheek and Some Heroics

Chance, Cheek and Some Heroics 
Author: Frederic Reynold QC
Publisher: Wildy, Simmonds & Hill (February 2018)
ISBN: 9780854902446

31 August 2018 / Thomas Grant KC

Barristers’ Working Lives 2017: something must be done

Interesting work, challenging times, owning our troubles: the Bar’s stark attitudinal survey results are analysed by David Wurtzel 

31 August 2018 / David Wurtzel

Briefing: the integrity factor

How much weight should be attached to the integrity factor in Silk applications? James Hines QC comments on the QCA proposals  

31 August 2018 / James Hines KC

The Jogee effect

John Crilly’s release in April 2018 marks the only conviction quashed as a result of  Jogee. Paul Taylor QC considers the evolution of the law on joint enterprise and impact on potential appellants convicted under the ‘old law’  

31 August 2018 / Paul Taylor KC

How to be exceptional

Not for the likes of me? Don’t hold back.  Counsel asks a cohort of atypical barristers to share their thoughts and experiences of going against the Bar grain – and how they made it work  


Temple in the Blitz

John Wilson QC reflects on the destruction of the Temple in the Blitz when after the ‘all-clear’ barristers would rifle through the wreckage searching for their briefs and books, their practices as wrecked as their buildings  

31 August 2018 / John Wilson KC

Matched funding 2019/20

Nathalie Lieven QC explains how a COIC pupillage match funded grant is a win-win – for chambers and the justice system – with applications opening in September 2018 

31 August 2018 / Mrs Justice Lieven

Barrister’s best…

Best books, top tracks, fabulous films, artistic authorities and an essential:  Counsel invites barristers to share the cultural influences in their lives. In this issue, we talk to Lynne Townley, who is the new Chair of the Association of Women Barristers. Lynne is currently teaching on the Bar Professional Training Course at City Law School, University of London. She is also a trustee of a charity campaigning against honour-based abuse and forced marriage. Lynne has recently appeared in court as a cultural expert witness in relation to the operation of familial codes of honour.  

31 August 2018

Secret E-Diary

Chambers meets a new tenant  

31 August 2018
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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