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Westminster Watch

As if Brexit wasn’t enough to contend with, Westminster has been mired in sexual harassment allegations. Mark Hatcher examines the brittle, back-foot state of affairs 

27 November 2017 / Mark Hatcher

Secret E-Diary

An old favourite bites the dust 

24 November 2017

Inquilab: the last words

70 years ago India obtained her independence but the road to freedom was littered with untold horrors. Paramjit Ahluwalia delves into the British archives to liberate the last words of freedom fighter Udham Singh 

24 November 2017 / Paramjit Ahluwalia

Bringing ISIL to justice

A vital step in establishing accountability for war crimes in Iraq but with inevitable tensions ahead: Kevin Dent and Serena Gates
examine the workability of UN Security Council Resolution 2379 

24 November 2017 / Serena Gates / Kevin Dent

Holding the powerful to account

A day in the life of Ugandan lawyer Lora Atim, working in Gulu to protect widows and orphans from land grabbing and end impunity for violence against the poor 

24 November 2017 / Lora Atim

Secret E-Diary

Silk interviews are here again 

02 November 2017

Rise of the lawbots

While the courtroom is still the preserve of the human advocate, lawbots are shuffling into legal services elsewhere. Rupert Jones puts the market leaders to the test 

02 November 2017 / Rupert Jones / Rupert Jones
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Absolute future

The future for a re-imagined Bar is bright, say Absolute Barrister founders Simon and Katy Gittins. They talk technology, fixed fees and family life with Aoife Drudy 

02 November 2017

Hype v Reality

Professor Katie Atkinson offers a reality check on legal tech: what’s workable now and on the horizon? 

02 November 2017

Bar course shake-up

David Wurtzel asks Derek Wood CBE QC the million dollar question: will the Inns re-enter the law school market and offer a cheaper and ‘radically innovative’ BPTC? 

02 November 2017 / David Wurtzel
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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