
Criminal or casualty?

Marine A is a salutary lesson on the pressures of modern warfare and those acting for service personnel, say Shaun Esprit and Jo Morris  

05 October 2017 / Jo Morris / Shaun Esprit

Better case management

Two years on, how have collective efforts to make every court hearing count evolved? Peter Hungerford-Welch summarises the procedural changes and the message from case law  


The common good

In today's fragmented society, we need to talk about shared values: a Temple project is hoping to do just that and taking up the Magna/Mini Carta community challenge. By Mark Hatcher  

05 October 2017

ECJ status post-Brexit

Will the UK need to keep an eye on ECJ rulings after withdrawal? Rhodri Thompson QC examines the practical and political difficulties 

05 October 2017 / Rhodri Thompson KC

Extinct? The Lawyer Lord Chancellor

Joshua Rozenberg QC reflects on whether we’ve seen the last of the legally qualified Lord Chancellors  

05 October 2017 / Joshua Rozenberg KC (hon)

Employed Bar Award Winners 2017

Meet the employed Bar’s crown jewels, recognised in the new Bar Council awards at the Tower of London  

05 October 2017 / Melissa Coutinho

A place in your practice

As public access goes mainstream, Chris Bryden offers an insight into the merits (and pitfalls) of cutting out the middlemen 

05 October 2017 / Chris Bryden

Decisions, decisions

Is your chambers constitution the weakest link? Advocates for corporate change, Robin Jackson, David Barnes, Catherine Calder and Nick Rees explain how to re-structure for maximum decision-making effect  

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Conference call

Inclusive and interactive, this year’s main Bar event offers something a little bit different, as Rachel Spearing explains  

05 October 2017 / Rachel Spearing
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Payment: time for change

Duncan McCombe and Sam Roake reveal the grim reality, as a young Bar survey shows 50% of criminal juniors are working for free. Doing nothing is not an option and a solution must be found, they argue  

05 October 2017 / Sam Roake / Duncan McCombe
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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