
The hour calls for optimism

Vocal on the onslaught of flexible operating hours and the perennial issue of fees, Angela Rafferty QC is determined that a diverse and collegiate criminal Bar will flourish. The CBA Chair shares her plans with David Wurtzel 

05 October 2017 / David Wurtzel
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As poor decision-making by authorities forces more people to turn to courts or tribunals for remedy, Jess Campbell explains the difficulties faced by LiPs  

05 October 2017 / Jess Campbell
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Westminster Watch

Mark Hatcher examines the issues ahead, as Theresa et al teeter towards Brexit on the Westminster tightrope without the critical parliamentary safety net 

05 October 2017 / Mark Hatcher
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Problems of uncertainty with endeavours clauses

This article analyses that part of the judgment of Leggatt J in Astor Management AG v Atalaya Mining plc which deals with the enforcement of an “all reasonable endeavours” obligation to reach agreement with a third party. It finds the decision to be robust and commercially pragmatic because of the judge’s willingness to give meaning to a contractual clause agreed upon by the parties and his reluctance to second-guess a commercial party on matters of commercial judgment.  

04 September 2017 / Richard Hooley

For the many, not the few

Access to the courts is a constitutional right and employment tribunal fees unlawful: Caspar Glyn QC relays the inspirational Supreme Court decision in UNISON v Lord Chancellor  

I told my mum at 18 that I was considering doing law.  

29 August 2017 / Caspar Glyn KC
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Secret E-Diary

Working in August isn’t all bad  

'My favourite Nice restaurant is in the market. It's open mainly for the market people, and shuts in August.'  – Mary Quant 

29 August 2017

Restoring confidence

Judge-led inquiries are a vital tool for accountability and politicians must set an example in this age of mass-media attack, argues Khawar Qureshi QC  

Anyone who wishes to understand the background to tribunals of inquiry should read the excellent report of Lord Justice Salmon (as he then was) for the Royal Commission on Tribunals Inquiry in 1966 (Cmnd 3121).  

29 August 2017 / Khawar Qureshi KC

Making the ascent

Sir Daniel Bethlehem QC shares his route from Bar basecamp to all-round public international lawyer with Anthony Inglese  

‘It’s helpful when teaching public international law to have what’s been called ‘the smell of gunpowder on your clothes’.  

29 August 2017 / Anthony Inglese CB

The employed spectrum (2): Gifty Edila

Counsel talks to Gifty Edila who forged an award-winning career in local government despite encountering early prejudices at the Bar  

Q What drew you to the Bar initially, and what was your experience of applying for pupillage and early years of practice? 

29 August 2017

Breaking the silence

A woman who defied death threats to give evidence in a landmark ‘honour killing’ case turned trainer when agencies failed to learn lessons from the case. By James Keeley  

A few months ago I met one of the bravest women I know.  

29 August 2017 / James Keeley
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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