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Secret E-Diary

A fresh coat of paint reveals uncared for buildings 

'The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining'  – John F Kennedy 

21 March 2017
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Exhibition review: High Court Jurisdictions in Art @ Rolls

A new selection of paintings of the London skyline is currently brightening up the walls of the Rolls Building in Fetter Lane.  

21 March 2017

Military service tribunals during the Great War

If you put a man in harm’s way then realise you made a mistake, shouldn’t you at least try to make amends? 100 years on, David Hewitt examines the case of Joseph Blackburn who didn’t want to go to war and fought only because a military tribunal forced him to  

During the Great War, the task of deciding whether men must fight or could be given exemption was usually performed by a local tribunal.  

21 March 2017 / Dr David Hewitt

Music review: Ravel’s Mother Goose Suite & Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf

Bar Musical Society, Middle Temple Hall, November 2016  

It has been a fine tradition of the Middle Temple to put on a concert for children towards Christmas every year.  

21 March 2017 / Sir Stanley Burnton

Ringside seat

Mel Nebhrajani started out at the Bar but was soon hooked on a career where law and politics collide. Here she talks to Grania Langdon-Down about how the ‘diversity story’ should be about the resilience, insight and talent of BAME lawyers – not ‘powerless victims’  

Q How did you find life at the Chancery Bar as a young, female and Asian lawyer? 

21 March 2017 / Grania Langdon-Down

How to e-work

Don’t be intimidated by e-working: the advantages are manifold and anyone can get up to speed with a few hours’ practice, writes Paul Hart in this how-to guide  

Oh, the irony, you may think, as we sit on the boundary between the old world and the new.  

21 March 2017 / Paul Hart

Theatre review: Just an ordinary lawyer? A play, with songs

Teatro Technis, London, 11-22 January
Written and performed by Tayo Aluko, with live piano accompaniment. Directed by Amanda Huxtable. Designed by Emma Williams

21 March 2017 / David Wurtzel

The good lawyer

Research suggests lawyers need to engage more with their personal morality, but what makes a virtuous professional? Mary Cowe considers the development of practical wisdom at the Bar  

During my undergraduate law degree, Lawyer’s Ethics was an optional paper assessed via a two- rather than three-hour exam, and described as a ‘half-course’: cue much hilarity from philosophy student friends about the obvious dearth of ethical proscriptions on lawyers, if there was so little to study it couldn’t fill a whole module. 

21 March 2017 / Mary Cowe

Shaping the law

With an encyclopaedic knowledge of criminal law, intellectual rigour and practitioner focus, Professor David Ormerod QC is driving ambitious law reform. David Wurtzel meets the universally respected Law Commissioner  

I met with Professor David Ormerod QC, one of the four Law Commissioners, in a tiny room in the Ministry of Justice building. 

21 March 2017 / David Wurtzel
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Westminster Watch

With the formal process of disengagement about to begin, Mark Hatcher examines the challenges faced in converting a huge corpus of EU law and delivering Brexit  

Brexit continues to dominate life at Westminster.  

21 March 2017 / Mark Hatcher
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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