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Secret E-Diary

That old problem of ‘nerves’  

‘Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence’ – Vince Lombardi 

24 October 2016
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Secret E-Diary

Travel broadens the mind  

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart”– Confucius 

26 September 2016


Richard Atkins QC on why it’s never too late to diversify – particularly with a barrister’s skillset  

In 2011, at the second time of asking, I took Silk.  

26 September 2016 / Richard Atkins KC

Equality ahead

Time for the Bar to rise to the equality challenge and find more effective ways for women to stay on in the profession, argues Fiona Jackson 

In July the Bar Standards Board (BSB) published Women at the Bar , a report of its survey of all practising female barristers on the implementation and effectiveness of the Equality Rules that came into force in 2012.  

26 September 2016 / Fiona Jackson
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Westminster Watch

Westminster village begins to recover its equilibrium after the EU vote, grappling with the machinery of change and arrangements to scrutinise Brexit policy  

In 1886 the Liberal politician, Joseph Chamberlain is reported to have said: ‘In politics, there is no use in looking beyond the next fortnight.’  

26 September 2016 / Mark Hatcher

Women and the equality rules

Almost half of women at the Bar have encountered discrimination and over two-thirds have considered leaving. David Wurtzel analyses the survey findings  

We want the Bar to reflect the society it serves.  

26 September 2016 / David Wurtzel

The CPS chief

With a string of historic sex abuse cases attracting unparalleled public scrutiny, it’s been a high-profile three years. Anthony Inglese meets DPP Alison Saunders to discuss decision-making, transparency and the Bar  

‘Deciding on so many difficult issues.’ Alison Saunders, heading towards her third anniversary as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), is talking about what she has enjoyed most about her CPS career. 

26 September 2016 / Anthony Inglese CB

Times are changing

Forty-six years since the Equal Pay Act 1970, the gender pay gap persists despite years of litigation. The impending regulations have come at an important time, says Daphne Romney QC  

In August, figures published by the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggested the overall gender pay gap (GPG) is now 18%, widening in the 12 years after having children (Gender Wage Gap, BN186).  

26 September 2016 / Daphne Romney KC

Mr Justice Hellman

Supreme Court judge in Bermuda and a founding member of 33 Chancery Lane, Chambers of Andrew Mitchell QC  

26 September 2016

Calm at the centre

With Bar wellbeing firmly centre stage, Mark Hatcher meets the preachers of the Inns to examine what they can offer to barristers – of all faiths and none  

‘The Bar can sometimes feel a lonely place,’ says Rachel Spearing, a criminal practitioner who has played a leading role in the Wellbeing at the Bar initiative.  

26 September 2016 / Mark Hatcher
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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