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A View from Brussels

No single market ‘à la carte’ – Evanna Fruithof reports the mood in Brussels in the aftermath of the Brexit vote  

A visiting professor of EU law I know (non-UK) used to enjoy asking his students to list the six UK opt-outs from the EU.  

19 August 2016 / Evanna Fruithof

Family keystone

Lucy Reed meets Philip Marshall QC, whose self-effacing Twitter profile belies the breadth and challenge of his task as Chair of the Family Law Bar Association  

I meet Philip Marshall QC in his chambers in King’s Bench Walk on a hot June day. 

25 July 2016 / Lucy Reed KC

Summer wine 2016

Counsel wine columnists Professor Dominic Regan and Sean Jones QC celebrate some good seasonal buys – lighter on both palate and pocket  

There are some great bottles to be had right now. The summer propels one in the direction of lighter, less alcoholic wine. 


Brexit: The Article 50 ‘trigger’


Nick Barber, Tom Hickman and Jeff King argue that Parliament has an indispensable role in triggering withdrawal from the European Union  

As a matter of domestic constitutional law, we argue that the Prime Minister is unable to issue a declaration under Art 50 of the Lisbon Treaty – triggering withdrawal from the European Union – without having been authorised to do so by a statute.  

25 July 2016 / Tom Hickman / Nick Barber / Jeff King

Hostile environment

As the nation grapples with the impact of Brexit on migration, Ronan Toal briefs readers on the major revisions already introduced by the Immigration Act 2016  

Back in 2002 Theresa May, then chair of the Conservative Party, highlighted in her conference speech the importance of shedding the ‘nasty party’ image.  

25 July 2016 / Ronan Toal

Nick Hill

Senior Clerk at Three New Square and Chairman of the Institute of Barristers’ Clerks  

Three New Square specialises in intellectual property law, in particular patent litigation, copyright, registered designs, trade marks, passing off, misuse of confidential information and litigation involving scientifically complex issues. 

25 July 2016

Be upstanding in court!

Optimise performance and manage stress – John Hunter outlines the benefits of the Alexander Technique to the Bar  

The long association between F M Alexander (1869-1955) and the theatre dates back to the very origins of the Alexander Technique (AT).  

25 July 2016 / John Hunter

Editorial Board’s summer books

Introducing the Counsel Editorial Board, which shares some alternative reads  

25 July 2016

Brexit: A new relationship

Evanna Fruithof, Alexandria Carr and Gordon Nardell QC set out possible models for the UK’s relationship with the EU post-Brexit  

Following the vote to leave on 23 June, the EU awaits formal notification by Her Majesty’s government of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the world’s largest trading bloc, a notification required by the terms of Art 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU).  

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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