Justice Matters


IWD 2022: Back to the Bar – returning from parental leave and the quest for balance

For IWD 2022, Emma Price talks openly about the challenges of achieving a ‘work/life balance’, why it's time to acknowledge this as a valid and realistic goal (not a guilty secret) and the difference this would make to retention and progression of women barristers 

08 March 2022 / Emma Price

Do lawyers make good PMs?

A lawyer, a leader or both? Alec Samuels reviews the strengths, weaknesses and quirks of our lawyer-PMs of modern times

01 March 2022 / Alec Samuels

Why Prince Andrew settled

John J Burke, an American defence counsel recently transferred to the Bar of England and Wales, offers an insight into why Prince Andrew was wise to avoid sitting for a deposition which would have been a high-stakes gamble

01 March 2022 / John J Burke

LGBTI rights and the Privy Council

Are British judges sitting in the Privy Council hindering the progress of human rights in the Caribbean and Latin America? asks Dr Leonardo Raznovich

01 March 2022 / Dr Leonardo Raznovich

COVID’s impact on the welfare of companion animals

With COVID restrictions removed and increasing reports of lockdown companions being abandoned, Christina Warner looks at the impact on Britain’s pandemic pets

24 February 2022 / Christina Warner

Déjà vu? The Criminal Bar in 2022

The court backlog, remote hearings and exodus of criminal advocates due to poor remuneration are all linked – and so must be the solutions, writes HH Nigel Lithman QC

14 February 2022 / HH Nigel Lithman KC

Forensic archaeology, ad hoc counsel and ethics in the ICC

Testing vulnerable evidence pre-trial in the gravest global crimes represents a unique and risk-laden investigative opportunity requiring care, skill and scrupulous conduct. Professor Felicity Gerry QC, Sarah Day and Abi Carter discuss the ethical issues 

11 February 2022 / Dr Felicity Gerry KC / Sarah Day / Abi Carter

Chair of the Young Bar’s New Year message

In a critical year for the Young Bar, Michael Polak, the Chair of the Young Barristers’ Committee, sets out his key pledges for 2022

11 February 2022 / Michael Polak

Banning conversion therapy

The psuedo scientific, coercive and abhorrent practice of conversion therapy still remains legal in the UK. Christina Warner investigates

11 February 2022 / Christina Warner

Proactive intelligence gathering – is the SFO missing a trick?

It is clear from the SFO’s recent prosecutorial struggles that there is a need for change, say Nicola Shannon and Katie Jones

10 February 2022 / Nicola Shannon / Katie Jones
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Chair’s Column

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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