Justice Matters


Times are changing

Forty-six years since the Equal Pay Act 1970, the gender pay gap persists despite years of litigation. The impending regulations have come at an important time, says Daphne Romney QC  

In August, figures published by the Institute for Fiscal Studies suggested the overall gender pay gap (GPG) is now 18%, widening in the 12 years after having children (Gender Wage Gap, BN186).  

26 September 2016 / Daphne Romney KC

The CPS chief

With a string of historic sex abuse cases attracting unparalleled public scrutiny, it’s been a high-profile three years. Anthony Inglese meets DPP Alison Saunders to discuss decision-making, transparency and the Bar  

‘Deciding on so many difficult issues.’ Alison Saunders, heading towards her third anniversary as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), is talking about what she has enjoyed most about her CPS career. 

26 September 2016 / Anthony Inglese CB

Fixing the vicious cycle

Rawdon Crozier considers what legislators and policy makers could learn from British cycling  

Politicians tend to favour big ideas, whether it’s a new piece of legislation or a state-of-the-art computer system, the bigger the better – and better still if they can be rolled out with a blaze of publicity and a snappy sound bite.  

30 August 2016 / Rawdon Crozier

Hostile environment

As the nation grapples with the impact of Brexit on migration, Ronan Toal briefs readers on the major revisions already introduced by the Immigration Act 2016  

Back in 2002 Theresa May, then chair of the Conservative Party, highlighted in her conference speech the importance of shedding the ‘nasty party’ image.  

25 July 2016 / Ronan Toal

Brexit: The Article 50 ‘trigger’


Nick Barber, Tom Hickman and Jeff King argue that Parliament has an indispensable role in triggering withdrawal from the European Union  

As a matter of domestic constitutional law, we argue that the Prime Minister is unable to issue a declaration under Art 50 of the Lisbon Treaty – triggering withdrawal from the European Union – without having been authorised to do so by a statute.  

25 July 2016 / Tom Hickman / Nick Barber / Jeff King

Brexit: A new relationship

Evanna Fruithof, Alexandria Carr and Gordon Nardell QC set out possible models for the UK’s relationship with the EU post-Brexit  

Following the vote to leave on 23 June, the EU awaits formal notification by Her Majesty’s government of the UK’s intention to withdraw from the world’s largest trading bloc, a notification required by the terms of Art 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU).  


Is London still ahead of the game?

Khawar Qureshi QC provides an overview of recent trends and issues relating to the arbitral process  

Arbitration as a means of dispute resolution has been utilised for more than a thousand years, and is not a new development.  

27 June 2016 / Khawar Qureshi KC

The digital drive

Catherine Baksi considers whether lawyers, judges, courts and clients are ready for a digital revolution, the drivers for change, and impact on access to justice  

Bulging briefs tied with yards of pink tape and clerks struggling to control errant trollies laden with storage boxes containing dozens of lever arch files – this traditional view of English courts business is to be confined to the history books. 

27 June 2016 / Catherine Baksi

Changing the effect

Litigators beware – open conduct in litigation could change the effect of a Part 36 offer, warns Alan Tunkel  

Can an offer made under Part 36 of the Civil Procedure Rules be impliedly withdrawn or impliedly changed to become less advantageous to the offeree? 

27 June 2016 / Alan Tunkel


Recent news analysis of the Panama Papers, and high-profile-personality stakes in offshore funds, have turned up the heat in the tax avoid v evade debate. Kevin Prosser QC sheds light on this greyest of areas  

Tax avoidance and tax evasion are currently subjects of enormous public interest, on which journalists and politicians have a great deal to say.  


27 June 2016 / Kevin Prosser KC
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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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