Justice Matters

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Update: Female Genital Mutilation and the Serious Crime Act 2005

Nkumbe Ekaney QC and Charlotte Proudman outline the key legislative changes on FGM introduced by the Serious Crime Act  

Female genital mutilation (FGM) now forms part of our political and public consciousness.  


Wrongful removal?

Marie Crawford explains the biggest child abduction law reforms in 30 years and why unmarried fathers without parental responsibility must protect themselves  

When family lawyers consider the issue of child abduction, in contrast perhaps to the general population, we don’t necessarily think of what is termed stranger abduction , which tends to grab the headlines and dominate gritty TV dramas.  

20 July 2015 / Marie Crawford

Blogger profile: Adam Wagner

In Counsel’s first interview of the series, Penny Cooper speaks to human rights blogger, Adam Wagner  

Blogging – not so different from squirreling on skeles 

20 July 2015

Buying-in to unreality, expediency and morality

Paul Marshall asks how safe is the common law from the judiciary 

29 June 2015 / Paul Marshall

Getting it right

Instead of building on the rights recognised under our constitution and in our history, the Human Rights Act of 1998 side-lined them by importing wholesale into our courts the case law of the European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg, argues Martin Howe QC.   

Now is the time to bring our rights home – this time properly – he claims, in another article in our series looking at all the issues in this controversial area.. 

29 June 2015 / Martin Howe KC

A changed landscape

As Rebecca Wilkie steps down as Chief Executive of the Bar Pro Bono Unit, she reflects upon her time there, the Unit’s development and the changed pro bono landscape  

Eight years after taking up the privileged post of Chief Executive at the Bar Pro Bono Unit, the pro bono landscape has changed beyond recognition.  

29 June 2015 / Rebecca Wilkie

Clear direction

Cross-examination of the vulnerable witness in R v FA: the Court of Appeal takes the ground rules approach and shows what direction such hearings must take, writes Penny Cooper  

“It will never be in the interests of justice that witnesses should be subjected to bullying and intimidatory tactics by counsel or to deliberately and unnecessarily prolonged cross-examination.” - Sir Brian Leveson (2015), Review of Efficiency in Criminal Proceedings , para 264 

26 May 2015 / Professor Penny Cooper

Passing the buck

Michael Zander QC considers the Justice Committee’s Report on the Criminal Cases Review Commission  

The House of Commons Justice Select Committee’s report on the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) makes several strong recommendations but on the central topic it passes the buck to the Law Commission. 

26 May 2015 / Michael Zander KC
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Fashionable again

The Charter, its background, popular misconceptions and its current popularity – Robin Griffith-Jones and Mark Hill QC on Magna Carta, religion and the rule of law  

“Magna Carta,” said Sir Edward Coke, “is such a fellow that he will have no sovereign.” 


FGM: prosecution and prevention

Nkumbe Ekaney QC and Charlotte Proudman examine the impact of the first FGM case litigated in care proceedings  

A study by Equality Now and City University estimated that about 103,000 women aged 15-49 who had emigrated to England and Wales from female genital mutilation (FGM) practising countries were living with the consequences of FGM.  

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Time for change and investment

The Chair of the Bar sets out how the new government can restore the justice system

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